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CW: Smut (this is the second horniest fic I've ever written and we haven't even STARTED to get into the really kinky shit yet), oral sex, inappropriate use of ice, dirty talk, fingering, mentions of dismemberment, mentions of domestic violence.

FYI KINK SHAMING IN MY COMMENTS WILL EARN YOUR ASS A BLOCK. Shit like "this is gross" is not the vibe and not tolerated.

The day moves slow. They eat breakfast and drink fresh-squeezed orange juice. Dahlia feeds him strawberries and licks the syrup off of her fingers while batting her eyelashes. She's fucking irresistible. Every time he looks at her, he feels that rush that he's been missing for so long. It could be hormones, or it could be the start of something real. He feels like he's falling in love, but he hasn't been in love in years. Dahlia is innocent, but not naive. She's got guts, and passion, and she makes him laugh. The women he's dated or fucked in the past have all been a part of his world.

James might have turned notifications off on his phone, but he can't help but check it while Dahlia naps on the couch after pancakes. Her legs are draped over his thigh while the TV hums softly in the background. Her body is worn out from earlier, and he's incredibly proud of himself. She's going to have to build up more endurance if she wants to keep up with him.

The calm and quiet make him bored. He's never been very good at staying in one place or relaxing in any sense of the word. He unlocks his phone to find 10 missed calls and a bunch of texts from Steve.

"Fuck," he whispers.

Dahlia stirs, a sweet little moan falling from her lips. Her eyes are still closed. He watches her for a moment to make sure she's not actually awake. Her breathing slows again and she turns over onto her side facing the TV. James scrolls through the texts from Steve.

[Stevie]: I need to talk to you.

[Stevie]: Buck, you gotta answer me. Shit's getting bad, man.

[Stevie]: I know you're getting some pussy right now, but this is fucking serious!!!

[Stevie]: CALL. ME. NOW.

[Stevie]: Buck, I swear to fuck I will drive to Santa Cruz and kick your fucking door in. CALL ME.

He sighs and makes sure that Dahlia is asleep before he slowly slides out from underneath her and walks to his office, closing the door behind him. He dials Steve's number. He picks up immediately.

"What the fuck, Bucky?!" His voice sounds panicked and unsure.

"I told you I was taking the weekend off, Stevie. I trusted you to be able to handle things."

"Yeah, and everything turned into a goddamn shitshow!"

"What happened?"

"Walker and his boys intercepted another shipment."

James's jaw clenches. He knows exactly which one. Guns and heroin that were going to the Russians once James took his cut. Fucking great. He's going to have to get on the phone and delay delivery.

"What happened?"

"What do you think happened?! Sam, Odinson, and I showed up to make sure everything was accounted for and half of it was fucking gone. Next thing I know, it's on the goddamn news and Walker looks like a big fuckin' hero. The Russians are gonna be on our asses for this!"

James sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. He's already getting a headache. If half of their shipment is missing, they're going to show up at his office. They'll start to dig into him. They might even find Dahlia. He can't risk that. This is already becoming a dangerous game, and it's Walker's fault for being a greedy fucking prick.

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