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CW: Spanking, rough sex, dirty talk, squirting, daddy kink.

We're almost done, folks! One more chapter! I packed a little bit of drama into this, and some spice. Enjoy!

"Peach!" James calls from downstairs as she struggles to put in her hoop earring. "Car's here!"

Dahlia swears under her breath. The other one went in just fine. She hasn't worn earrings in so long that she forgot how hard it is to get them through when the holes in her ears have sort of grown over.

"Just a second! I can't get my fucking earring in!"

Like magic, he appears behind her in the bathroom and she whips around, laughing.

"How'd you get up here so fast?"

"I was halfway up the stairs already. What's going on with your earring?"

"It just won't go through." She feigns a sob and stomps her foot. "Jaaaaaames! I love these earrings!"

"I know, I bought them for you." She beams, and they both start to laugh. "You don't need to wear earrings, peach."

"They make the outfit!" She whines.

James holds out his hand.

"How can I help?"

"If I hold my ear, can you just push it through and kind of re-pierce it?"

"Is that safe?" He asks.

Is he really asking her that? This man who stabs and shoots people for a living? This man who dismembers people and dumps their bodies into the ocean is asking if sticking a tiny needle through her earlobe is safe? The very thought of it makes her laugh, but James is a strange puzzle of contradictions - vicious, yet vulnerable; cold and aloof, yet the kindest and sweetest man she's ever met. People can exist in these complexities. It's part of how Dahlia compartmentalizes her own darkness.

She shrugs and James laughs, kissing her and taking her hoop from her fingers. Dahlia tugs on her earlobe and James tries to get it through but comes up against resistance.

"Just push, babe."

He hisses.

"You've stabbed people and you can't stab me for aesthetic purposes?" She teases.

He frowns.

"I don't want to hurt you."

Says the man who has smacked my ass to the point where I could barely sit down the next day.

"Just push!" She giggles.

She hears a soft, small pop as James shoves it through the point of resistance and it finally goes through.

"Oh, thank God!" She laughs and turns around. Her ear is pink and a little swollen, but she can cover most if it with her hair. He kisses her on the cheek and stares at her in the mirror. Dahlia is dressed in a light purple floor-length gown that shows off her tattoo sleeve. Most of the bruises on her face and body have been covered by makeup. It's hard to hide the ones on James's face, though. They had a an aesthetician come over in the morning to help calm things down, but it's difficult to miss the cuts, bandages, and bruises.     James is a black suit with a purple dress shirt and a tie. He decided not to shave and his beard somehow got a few shades darker overnight. It helps to hide the purple marks and cuts on his chin. His hair is perfectly fluffy and wavy. Despite the gashes and bruises on his face, he still looks beautiful.

Dahlia feels his strong arms wrap around her waist.

"You look gorgeous, Mrs. Barnes."

They're still wearing the zip ties that they got married in last night. They'll get actual rings eventually, but right now, they both want to bask in this little secret wedding and enjoy being married.

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