The Sunshot Campaign and Beyond

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Today, all the clans received an ominous memo from the Qishan Wen Sect, demanding that they send their heirs and best disciples or face war. The sect leaders of Lan, Nie, Jiang, and Jin convened urgently in Yiling to strategize their response. United in their resolve, they declared war against Wen Ruohan, initiating the Sunshot Campaign.

Classes at Gusu were cut short, and the disciples returned to their respective sects to prepare for the impending conflict. The air was thick with tension and determination as everyone readied themselves for battle.

Nightless City: The Final Battle

The clash at Nightless City was brutal. Sect leaders faced Wen Ruohan, while their heirs and disciples fought Wen Xu, Wen Chao, and their forces. Blood soaked the ground as fierce combat raged.

"Kill everyone! Don't leave any survivors!" Wen Xu commanded, slicing through disciples from various clans.

"Wei Ying, be careful!" Lan Zhan called out, fighting valiantly beside him.

"Lan Zhan, I'm here. I've got your back!" Wei Wuxian shouted, wielding his sword with lethal precision.

Back-to-back, they fought through the onslaught, cutting down Wen disciples and advancing through the battlefield. After a grueling and bloody confrontation, they finally defeated the Wen forces. Nie Mingjue delivered the decisive blow, severing Wen Ruohan's head. Wen Xu, Wen Chao, and Wen Zhuliu also fell in battle, their reign of terror brought to a violent end.

Post-War Celebration and Elections

Two months later, a grand celebration was held at the Gusu Lan Sect. Jin Guangshan, having perished in the conflict, was succeeded by Jin Zixuan as the new sect leader of Lanling Jin Sect.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming. Today, we will choose the next Chief Cultivator," announced an elder from the Gusu Lan Sect.

"I propose Qingheng-Jun for the position," Wei Changze suggested.

"I second that," Nie Mingjue agreed.

The unanimous vote established Qingheng-Jun as the new Chief Cultivator. Meanwhile, Lan Zhan and Wei Wuxian had slipped away to the back mountain.

"Lan Zhan, everything is so peaceful now. No more Wens. I hope this is the start of our happy ending," Wei Wuxian said, leaning against Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan knelt before him, taking his hand. "Wei Ying, during the war, I was so afraid of losing you. I don't want to experience that fear again. Will you be my lifetime partner? Wei Ying, will you marry me?"

Wei Wuxian's eyes softened. "Of course, Lan Zhan. I will marry you."

"I love you, Wei Ying."

"I love you too, Lan-er-gege."

They sealed their engagement with a passionate kiss before returning to share the news with their families.

Announcements and Arrangements

At the celebration, Madam Jiang stood up to make an announcement. "Everyone, since this is a joyous occasion, I would like to announce the betrothal of my daughter, Jiang Yanli of Yunmeng Jiang Sect, to Jin Zixuan of Lanling Jin Sect."

Madam Lan followed suit. "I would also like to propose a marriage between my eldest son, Lan Huan, and Young Master Jiang Cheng."

Jiang Cheng and Lan Huan exchanged shy glances, their faces flushed.

Sect Leader Nie then addressed the crowd. "Since we are discussing marriages, I want to propose a union between my son, Nie Mingjue, and Jin Guangyao of Lanling Jin."

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