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When Yoongi left after Jungkook told him to, he turned his head to look at the wall that could be considered the heart of the house. It would be the first thing introduced to whoever would walk through the door.

A large 'Welcome Home' covered the entire middle section of the wall in black. Smaller words were written like graffiti all around those two words, creating a masterpiece. A masterpiece, as it succeeded in spreading what it was.

Though, a masterpiece is only a piece, and Jungkook knew this, but he still saw it as a master. It was a piece of his whole. A master of his whole. Himself. That was why it was the heart.

He didn't want to see it like that anymore.

The TV got louder with each step he took, as if the floor was a volume button. Jungkook didn't care if it hurt his ears. He didn't care about the headache he could get. He continued taking steps.

When Jungkook directly faced the wall, he stared at his house's greeting, which felt more like a tug inside than a push of the air. A push of society's standards. The standards he had to breathe every day in order to live.

The TV screamed in his ears the sound of laughter and crying and screaming. Jungkook's fingertips rested against the stained wall. His mind blocked out the sound the best he could, but it was close to impossible. One second of listening and Jungkook would go to try picking up the glass on the bathroom floor again.

A voice shouted behind him.

"This is where you're safe."

"Stay here. No one can see you. No one can hurt you anymore."

"You're hurting me." Jungkook muttered, turning around to face the man.

"You need me."

"I need you."

"You have a friend."

The sudden change of topics caught Jungkook off guard. The TV played a moment with his old friend. When he was betrayed.

He also remembered someone.


Jungkook tried to push the thought of him away, but it became harder when the TV joined in on the memory. Taehyung wasn't an awful person, but that's exactly what made him so hateful. He never seemed to care about anything. And why would he? He had good grades, plenty of friends, an attractive face, and a model-like body. Every part of him was like someone had taken precious time in order to make him the most perfect human being the world ever saw.

Jungkook read the words on the walls again. Insults; truths. What were they?

"...It's you."

He stared up at the man, feeling his hatred bubble up now that he's figured it out. "You're the one who's making me suffer."

Jungkook couldn't scream. Standing there, despite how angry he was of the thing in front of him, he could only stick to a speaking voice. A muffled one trying to muffle his emotions.

"You need me, Jeon."


The truth was unmasked. Jungkook hated the truth since it was so fickle, but he preferred them over the unnatural stability of a lie. Seeing it now made him realize how much he chose to hide himself and what he wanted to do. It was Jungkook's turn to be unmasked.

There was no room to breathe, as if even the house didn't want him to leave.

But he also had a voice that could change the world, so Jungkook took a deep, uneven breath. Air pushed into his lungs and he regained some form of thought.

"But you also need me."

Jungkook took another deep breath, which eased him more than the last one. "You're holding onto me just as much as I'm holding onto you. Without me...you'll just move on to someone else. I want to leave, but you keep encouraging me to move away from the door. Not because I need you, but because you need me."

"I don't eat as much as I used to. I ate because other people told me to. For some reason, I can't trust myself to eat... And maybe I need to work on that. I don't know."

Jungkook listened to the TV once more. The voices numbed in his head. Their words had no emotion attached to him. His past tears didn't change his state.

Jungkook just stood there in a damp, emotionless, and dirty house.

"Leaning away helps you think of what will happen when you fall."

Jungkook opened his mouth, but after a few seconds he closed it again.

He looked at whatever was standing in front of him. It no longer looked like a living thing, and the more Jungkook blinked the more he could see what it truly was. Still, he blinked every few seconds, as if its power would wear off after a certain amount of times.

Jungkook's eyes then shut and his body tensed, as if that could defend him from the reaction.

"You're just my shadow."

Jungkook squinted as his eyelids began getting tired from the strain. Nothing hurt, so he blinked them open again.

The man was still there on the wall in a grey color. His arms were so thin that they could break at any moment. His cheeks looked as if they were shaven off. The clothes he wore sagged on his body and his legs looked much weaker than Jungkook remembered.

Jungkook raised his hand next to his head, and the man raised his in unison.

Jungkook dropped his hand to his side and took a step back. The man followed.

The words became nothing but letters as a wave of something Jungkook couldn't define properly seemed to crush him right in the chest. It was like an isolated fear.

"Don't worry, Jeon." The man spoke but didn't move. "I'll always be with you. Even when Yoongi leaves you one day, I'll be here. You don't have to be scared... Hm."

Jungkook stared at the wall for a while longer. He was tempted to raise his arm again to make sure, but gave up on that. Instead, he took another step back.

"...I need to eat."

As a shadow, the man followed him.

A/n: aaaaaAAAAAAA

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