Discontinued(?) [Author's Note]

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Hey. It's the author speaking.

Yeah, I know. I don't usually talk very often to you (as in, outside of a story). And usually when I do I just delete it later on. But hear me out.

I started working on this story around a year before I "published" it on Wattpad. Originally, this wasn't meant to be a fanfic, but I decided to make it one because it was the main type of writing I was used to at the time.

Also, after Whipped Heart for some reason began getting a lot of reads and votes (I appreciate it by the way; I just don't think it really deserves it), I thought that maybe it was best to release another book instead of completely ghosting the readers for a year (as I've learned from past mistakes).

Then I wrote around five drafts before finally showing it and yada yada.

I was very strict with my writing at the time (I still am, but not to that extent) and I was really anxious to release a new chapter because "What if it's bad?"

I'm going to tell you something that I wish I could've told myself back then. If you're a reader, then I guess this wouldn't matter much to you.

The goal of writing isn't to be perfect; it's to tell a story.

And a lot of your stories are going to be trash, but the more you work on it, the better you'll become (most likely).

I've become much more free with my writing since then, so I'm going to discontinue this story (or end it early) as a way to let go of that mindset and move on.

This story was a bit of a stretch for my creativity, but it was a cool experiment and it helped me a lot in my technique. I'm not proud of how it came out. I'm not going to say why because I don't want to ruin it for you either in case you do like it. Quite a few authors might understand why I'm not the biggest fan of it.

(It's way too melodramatic.)

I'm going to go back to my fluff and dystopian writing for now. I guess you could call this dystopian...? Nah.

If you're wondering about any future stories from me, I do have one in mind, but it's still in development. I probably won't release it until I'm done with I See Colors.

I don't want to bother you for too long, so I'll let you go. Adventure.

And thank you for reading this pile of teenage angst and poorly-written characters.

Though this was last updated on May 15, 2022, I'm coming back just to say a few things about what the book was actually supposed to be about.

I'm not going to tell you everything. I think it would be better to let people venture on this story on their own rather than telling them everything I wanted for it along with the meanings of various parts and whatnot.

Besides, that gets way too complicated way too quickly.

First off, Jungkook and Yoongi were not meant to become a romantic couple at the end of the book. You know that Yoongi is an adult, and I intended for Jungkook to be a high schooler. Yoongi was meant to act more as a mentor and a friend instead of a romantic possibility.

I did this for a specific reason too (besides their age), which is why I think it's important enough for me to mention.

That reason is simply because I don't think it's exactly a good idea to create a romantic relationship out of helping someone through a tough time internally. Sometimes it can work, but in this context, it will go on the edge of romanticization, which I obviously don't want to do.

It's just not something I want to write and not something I want people to read from me.

The next thing I want to point out is that this story is very detailed and very layered. I don't want to sound like the author of a 174,354 word novel, but I kinda mean it when I say that (almost) every single scene, sentence and even word is there for a reason stronger than to further the book along.

I did so much cherry-picking while writing this that I could write a four paragraph essay with only the words I picked.

I put a lot of care into this, at the expense of almost driving myself insane. That's why I was so harsh when I explained why I discontinued this back in May.

I'm considering picking it back up again, but considering all that damn detail and negative thoughts, I'm hesitant to do so.

Oh yeah, that's another thing.

I said this already, but I was so hard on myself while writing this.

It got to the point where I would rewrite each sentence or even paragraph that had the smallest thing I didn't like. Maybe there was a wording mistake, or it made the message not carry the way I wanted it to, or by golly the sentence made me imagine myself watching the scene instead of being a part of it (whatever the hell that means).

I think that's what made this book turn out reading like a lump in the back of your throat. Or maybe that's just me.

The only reason why I want to keep writing it is for the climax. I'm not going to tell you what it is in case I do actually continue this story, but the climax of this book may just be one of my favorite ideas for a story ever.

I'm going to wrap this up with three overall points:

1. This is probably the most complex book I've ever written (which really says a lot).
2. I'm still working on that story I'm planning to publish during or after I See Colors.
3. I might continue writing this book at some point.

Thanks again for reading. You don't know how much I appreciate it.

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