❝𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄❞

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Psychotic/Yandere Ray AU1shylu, here you go :3Angst? Warnings: Gore/blood description

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Psychotic/Yandere Ray AU
1shylu, here you go :3
Warnings: Gore/blood description

 ‧͙ ━━━━━━━·͙ ˏˋ°•*⁀➷‧͙ ━━━━━━━·͙

❝𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞... 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧.❞ Ray leaves Emma's body,  hoping she would be found. He wouldn't get caught, no one knew he existed. Seriously, it was  like he wasn't alive. No birth certificate on record, no social media, he was practically a dead person living a life.

The ravenette was walking through the  streets one night until he saw someone on the other side of the the street. He had white hair with blue eyes and pale skin. Ray found him beautiful, and  every  night  he would go back to that same street to see the albino walking home.

He developed an unhealthy obsession with the boy and had the urge to kill anyone who even got near him.  One day, he saw the boy walking again but not alone this time. He was with another person. A girl.

This made Ray's blood boil, he wanted her gone immediately. Every night  the same girl would walk with the albino and the raven had just enough of it and followed them. When he saw the boy drop off the girl at her house, he waited until the other was gone. Once the boy was gone, Ray looked through windows to see if anyone else was home with the girl.

She had orange hair and green eyes, and was  always smiling and blushing around the albino. When Ray saw she was home alone,  he took his chance and stabbed her.

She was gone.

She wasn't around him anymore.

The albino was  finally his.

This made him happy, and for months and months he saw the other boy walk home alone.  But then  there was another girl. She had short green hair, with eyes matching and glasses. Ray already knew what he had to do.

Before he killed her, he listened in to their conversations this time and learned the boy's name who he had been watching for so long was, Norman.


'What a beautiful name.' The ravenette thought to himself as he stabbed the girl over and over until he was satisfied.

She was gone.

She wasn't around him anymore.

Norman was finally his.

Two months specifically went by and everything was going well, until he saw another boy walking with Norman. He had darker skin with brown brown hair and he annoyed Ray a bit more then the girl before.

The raven took the same procedures as before, waited for him to be home alone then stab him. But today in  particular, Ray did not have a knife on  him or any sort of weapon. So, he would have to use one of the victim's tools to kill them.

The brunette walked into his house and went upstairs to his room, forgetting to lock the front and back doors. Ray walked in easily from the back, grabbed a knife from the kitchen and waited for hours. And hours. Until it was midnight.

The boy would be asleep by now and Ray walked into his room quietly and stabbed him, until satisfied.

He was gone. 

He wasn't around him anymore.

Norman was finally his.

Months began to pile up as Norman did not walk home with anyone for what seemed like years, but Ray loved it. He loved watching him without someone else ruining it. He loved every moment of it. Until one night, something made Ray snap.

The albino walked home with two people this time. A girl and a boy. The boy had short velvety red hair and the girl had long blonde hair with blue eyes. They were making things worse for themselves, Norman and Ray.

But instead of them both going home and their separate ways, the went home with Norman. It seemed like they were sleeping over for the night. Ray impatiently waited until the three were sleeping, he wanted to kill them right then and there.

But finally, it reached midnight and they were asleep. 

The ravenette chose to kill the girl first, but made sure to not make any sound and kill her with the first stab. She laid there, bleeding on the floor, it made him smile to himself as he walked over to the boy and did the same thing.

He took a picture of Norman and then left and waited for the next day to come.

They were gone.

They weren't around him anymore.

Norman will be his.

The next day came and the albino did not walk down that street. A week past and he still hadn't walked down home. The raven was getting angry and decided to go to the boys house himself. When he got there he saw two adults hugging Norman, most likely his parents.

The boy was crying between them, Ray HATED this. Even though he knew he was the cause of it. He walked off and decided to do something different this time.

A nock on the door could be heard, it was early in the morning, Norman's parents were already off to work. He slowly walked down the stairs and opened the door to where he saw Ray. He didn't know who this was and has  never seen him before.

"Hi, may I help you?" He asked.

The ravenette blushed at hearing his voice and being so up-close to him. But, he needed to act normal. "Yes, I was walking around the area and I seemed to of gotten lost and I have no phone. Do you mind helping me?"

The other took a second to answer since this was a complete stranger. But this stranger looked his age and decided to invite him inside. They talked for hours, forgetting the short meeting they had earlier.

Norman enjoyed his company and wanted this to happen again. To his delight, Ray did as well. They decided to meet up at a local store every afternoon to hang out. And they did this for months and months.

Everyone was gone.

No one was around him anymore.

Norman was his.

 ‧͙ ━━━━━━━·͙ ˏˋ°•*⁀➷‧͙ ━━━━━━━·͙
This was bad ik I didn't want to make another yandere Norman since I just did that a chapter ago but I also didn't know what to do for Ray so this was what we got :D

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