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Modern AUEveryone is 20-21

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Modern AU
Everyone is 20-21

‧͙ ━━━━━━━·͙ ˏˋ°•*⁀➷‧͙ ━━━━━━━·͙

Norman and Ray have been dating for a year now and have managed to keep it a secret from their friends. They were really the last two people anyone would of ever thought would get together. A lot thought Norman liked Emma, neither had that kind of feelings for each other. They had sibling like love, not the romantic kind.

At the beginning of their relationship they wanted to take things slow, focus on them more and not have to worry about any drama being created amongst their friend group. It was nice, peaceful even but they knew they would eventually have to come out to their friends.

The original plan was to tell them after five months but the couple wanted to see if they could make it to a year first. Ray was not looking forward for today, neither was Norman but he was less stressed about it than him.

"I'm sure everything will go well." Norman tried to reassure his boyfriend since he hasn't' seen him this stressed  in a while. "But what if it doesn't? What if they don't accept us? What if they don't like we're together and have to break up? I don't want to break up, Norman!"

"Neither do I, love. And that won't happen. Good friends will accept us, and I'm pretty sure they're good friends since we've known them since forever." He kissed the top of the ravenette's head and smiled. 

"I guess you're right... But―"

"No "but's", everything you're saying is a legitimate worry but none of them have happened. Don't worry about something you can't control, it's their decision on how they want to react. And if they want us to break up, I won't break up with you." 

Ray looked up at him, "You promise?"

Norman smiled, "I promise."

‧͙ ━━━━━━━·͙ ˏˋ°•*⁀➷‧͙ ━━━━━━━·͙

An hour passed and it was finally time to tell their friends about their relationship. They invited the group to their place, they knew that Ray and Norman were living together but they just told them it was because the house was closer to college. Which it was but that was not the true reason.

Emma and Gilda were the first to arrive, then Don and Nat and finally, Anna. Before they were about to tell them, Ray pulled Norman aside, second guessing if they should really do it. The albino finally convinced him but practically had to drag him over.

"Everything ok?" Emma asked, while looking at Norman trying to drag Ray over to them.

"Yup― Just, one second― Alright, there we go. Ray and I have something to tell all of you." Norman said, Ray looked at the ground, preparing himself for the worst. 

"Neither one of you are dying, right," Don asked, then feeling the pain of a hand slap him on the head for the idiotic question. "Don, I highly doubt either of them are dying." Gilda said, putting her hand back down to her side.

"You never know!"

"Don't worry, neither one us are dying," Norman reassured, Don let out a relieved sigh.

"Not yet..." Ray grumbled, keeping his head down low. 

"I'm just gonna rip the band-aid off, Ray and I are dating and we have been for the past year." The albino just gave all the news in one short sentence. The one sentence they wouldn't of been able to guess, ever.

Emma gasped, everyone else stayed silent. This was going exactly how the ravenette imagined it to so far, he was preparing himself for the yelling. But, that didn't come. "Oh. My. Gosh... Oh my gosh you two are dating?! Why didn't you say something sooner I would of tried to think of a couple's gift!" Anna said, she was overjoyed and had a sneaking suspicion from the start too. 

"Huh?" Ray looked up, this was not at all what he was expecting.

"Awww so this is what our baby raven was stressed about?" Gilda walked over and hugged him, earning an annoyed noise.

"Gilda, I'm literally older then you."


"Emma why are you taking a picture?" Norman asked. "I'm taking a picture for the memory, duh! Like for your anniversary, dates, your wedding-"

"Wedding?!" Both Norman and Ray yelled out in sync as well.

"Uh, yeah, your wedding. Don't tell me you haven't thought about your wedding!"

"Emma, we've only been dating a year," Ray was never one to move quickly in friendships so it wouldn't be any different for a relationship.

"That's a lot of days ya know, time will go by quick. And plus when you're older, old people make how long they've been married like a competition."

"Emma's right, plus Gilda knows some girls from college who started a wedding planning business. They're rates are going up, check it out some time," Don added in as if he weren't practically starting the planning process himself.

"And my roommate is great at baking so I can ask him to to make the wedding cake!" Nat said.

"We're not getting married yet, guys." Norman himself was blushing at the idea, he looked down at Ray who's face was all kinds of red. "So, you are gonna get married then?" Anna looked at them, smiling, she would love for her best friends to get married.

"Huh? What do you me―"

"You said yet, which implies you aren't doing it now but are going to in the future."

"Oh goodness."

‧͙ ━━━━━━━·͙ ˏˋ°•*⁀➷‧͙ ━━━━━━━·͙
Anyone want a wedding chapter?

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