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| Tomioka POV

The first thing I smelt stepping on the property was alcohol. A scent I never liked. 'He's drinking some strong stuff.' I walked to the front door gently knocking on it. No answer. I knocked again slightly harder but no answer. I then opened the door just to see a mess of the house.

The scent of alcohol got seemingly stronger and started to burn my eyes. I walked down the corridors seeing each room messier than the other. I turned to the last room opening the door. Something grabbed me by my collar slamming me against the wall. I grabbed the attackers wrists trying to pry them off.

It was Shinazugawa's wrists. His white hair more of a mess than usual, his violet eyes red and puffy from crying. And his breath hunched with alcohol. A complete mess. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU??!!" He screamed on a raspy tone. Due to probably not clearing his throat in month he fell down coughing.

He coughed falling to his knees. "I'm sorry Shinazugawa." I said sadly. "Wha-." I knocked him out. Thank goodness he gave me that opening.

I then looked back at his trash of a house. "Well looks like I have some work on my hands."

|Shinazugawa POV

Did I pass out? My head was pounding like crazy because of that stupid alcohol. It hurts so bad. "Your awake." Someone said immediately I reached for one of the many knives I hide throughout my house. "That'll do you know good." He had my rhino beetle farm on his hands as he giggled.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE??!!" My voice wasn't raspy anymore. "Well look around." I turned my head to see a beautiful house. The furniture beautifully cleaned and brightly colored,birds actually outside unlike my garden it had pretty lavender flowers. "Why did you take me to your house?" I lowered my tone kinda happy to be out of my dump.

I was about to get up but quickly sat down due to my body giving up. I've been using breathing techniques to keep my body functioning,I haven't gotten a lot of sleep. "Shinazugawa." The guy leaned down to my ear. "I know it hurts but if you drink thi-." I took the cup from him drinking whatever was in it. "Now shut up!" I threw the cup somewhere.

As I threw it a few seconds later a shatter was heard but I didn't bother with it. But I felt kinda bad tho. "Sweet dreams." I felt a warm hand cup my cheek but I didn't do anything about it. Tears pooled in my eyes. 'Who was this person and why are they so kind?' I wanted to cry.


Meh, I'm bored

BabySitting (Sanemi Shinazugawa x Giyuu Tomioka)Where stories live. Discover now