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Peter is hanging out with all the avengers, until he gets an allergic reaction.
(By the way, spiders don't like peppermint. You would be confused when reading this one shot if you didn't know that lmao)

Tw: needles/injection

Peter finally got out of school and ran to the black car that was parked in front of the school. He jumped in and greeted his driver, Happy.

"Hey Happy!" He said joyfully.

"Hey kid." Was all that Happy said back, he wasn't a talkative person when it comes to the kid. He constantly annoyed him.

They drove to the compound and Peter got out and practically skipped inside, he was having a good day today.

He got in the elevator and walked to the main room. Natasha, Bruce, Steve, Clint, Thor, Tony and Scott were all there. No one ever knew why Scott was there. He just was.

"Hey guys!" He said cheerfully. They all looked up and smiled at Peter, they all loved him. I mean, who wouldn't?

"Hey kid."

"Hey Peter!"

"Man of spiders!"

"Hey cinnamon roll."

"What's up kid?"

"Afternoon Pete."

"Hey man."

He smiled at everyone before sitting down on the couch, next to Nat and Clint.

"What are you guys doing? Anything important?" Peter asked.

"Nope, just deciding on a movie to watch and waiting for you to get here." Nat said and smiled.

"Oh, let's watch Star Wars!" Peter said enthusiastically and got comfortable in his seat. Everyone laughed but agreed and put it on.

About 30 minutes into the movie, Tony walked over to Peter.

"Hey Pete, you want something to eat? We got some more ice cream if you want any of that?" Tony asked him. Peter looked up at him with a bright smile.

"Yes please Mr Stark!" He said happily. Tony smiled and walked back into the kitchen and grabbed Peter a bowl of ice cream. He walked back into the living room and handed it to him.

"Thank you!" Peter said and dug right in. Peter had been eating the ice cream for about 5 minutes when he started feeling...strange. He had a weird feeling in his mouth and throat, and it wasn't a nice feeling either.

He set the bowl down, afraid of eating anymore and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He tried to ignore the feeling, but then it started getting hard for him to breathe. He tried to take a deep breath, but he ended up just coughing.

"You alright Pete?" Steve asked, as everyone noticed him looking distressed and heard him coughing.

Peter sat up, putting his hands on the seat either side of him and leaning forward. He tried to answer but all that came out was a wheeze. He cleared his throat but felt his tongue start to swell up.

"I-I think...I think I-I'm having an allergic reaction." He was able to get out. Nat paused the movie and everyone turned their attention to Peter.

"What? You didn't tell me you were allergic to anything?!" Tony exclaimed worryingly and ran to Peter's side.

"Y-Yeah...u-um...what, what was in that ice cream?" Peter asked with his hand buried in his face.

"It's just vanilla ice cream with some chocolate syrup...oh, and some peppermint, but that's it." Tony said quickly, inspecting Peter.

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