No Time To Die

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!!Nwh spoilers!!
Billie Eilish lyrics to Peter's situation.


I should've known,
I'd leave alone.

Peter stared at his new apartment. He didn't live with May anymore. He couldn't. Not after the Green Goblin killed her.

"With great power, there must also come great responsibility."

That's what his Aunt told him. He knew she was right, but he still couldn't help but feel guilty. Stupid. He was so stupid. He should've just sent them all home. He should've listened to Strange.

Just goes to show,
That the blood you bleed is just the blood you owe.

He deserved it, really. It was just his bad decisions catching up to him. It all leads back to him. Back to Mysterio.

We were a pair,
But I saw you there.

Even though it seems insane, he can't help but feel nostalgic about those times. About when he went on that school trip. All of those calls he declined from Nick Fury. Then, seeing Beck in the illusions. When all the pieces fell together.

Too much to bear,
You were my life but life is far away from fair.

Peter trusted Beck. He thought that maybe, he would be there for him like how Tony was. He just needed someone to replace the huge hole in his heart that Tony left when he died.

Was I stupid to love you?
Was I reckless to help?

Peter didn't even need to question it. He knew he was stupid. He knew he was reckless.

Was it obvious to everybody else?
That I'd fallen for a lie.
You were never on my side.

Peter wondered if anyone else would've figured it out if they were in his position. MJ would've probably figured it out, Tony too. Fury. Maria Hill. Everyone. He was so naive. So so naive.

Fool me once, fool me twice.
Are you death or paradise?

"For what it's worth Peter, I really am sorry."

"It's easy to fool people when they're already fooling themselves."

Beck tricked Peter into giving him the EDITH glasses. Then, he tricked him again. Pretending to be Nick, and putting his friends in danger. And then, he apologized. He apologized to Peter, before attempting to kill him. It made Peter angry thinking about it.

Now you'll never see me cry,
There's just no time to die.

Peter gritted his tears and whipped out his left over Spiderman suit. He threw it on his desk and stared out his window.

I let it burn,
You're no longer my concern.

No, Mysterio is dead now. He needs to stop kicking himself because of him, that's what he wants. He's gone now, Peter made sure of it.

Faces from my past return,
Another lesson yet to learn.

He turned his head back to his apartment. He stared at his bed. He couldn't sleep, not when his dreams were full of taunting memories. Memories with Tony. Memories with Ned. Memories with MJ. Memories with May.

That I'd fallen for a lie,
You were never on my side.

Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. How could he fall for something like that? Peter knew he shouldn't think about it again, but it's inevitable for him to.

Fool me once, fool me twice.
Are you death or paradise?
Now you'll never see me cry.
There's just no time to die.

Peter finished sewing his Spiderman suit and put it on. He needed to clear his head. He couldn't think about it anymore. He just wished...he wished that...

No time to die.

He wished that he was never born. Death was too dark for someone like Peter. He still would've lived through the trauma, only for it to end in even more pain.

No time to die.

No, that was all too much. It would've been better if he was never born. For him, and for everyone around him.

Fool me once, fool me twice.
Are you death or paradise?
Now you'll never see me cry.
There's just no time to die.

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