You're Just Like Him

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Tony is accidentally too harsh on Peter

Took inspiration from a fanfic I read on ao3 by losingmymindtonight


"We've evacuated most of the people in the building, but there's still three left. 2 men and a woman. I don't think we'll be able to get them out in time, the bomb is still in there." Rhodey called into the comms as he placed another civilian on the pavement.

"How much time left on the bomb?" Tony asked.

"About 30 seconds."

"Shit, that's not enough time. We'll have to leave them, we've rescued as many people as we can." Tony said sadly and landed next to Rhodey.

"What? No! We can't leave them in there, Mr. Stark! They'll die!" Peter yelled through the comms.

"I'm sorry, Pete, there's just not enough time! If any of us try, not only will we fail in rescuing them, but we could also die ourselves and I'm not willing to risk that!" Tony explained.

"I can do it. I'll be fast, I have super speed." Peter offered and already started making his way to the building.

"Peter, don't you dare step in that building. Stay away from it, do you hear me? Stay here, on the ground! That's an order!" Tony immediately barked. But Peter knew he was running out of time very quickly, so he ignored his mentor and swung into a window of the building.

"PETER!" Tony screamed, making the boy flinch. But he kept on running. He ran along the floors, looking for the men and the woman.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. 14 seconds.

He searched the first floor, running as fast as he could. "Hello! Is anyone here?!"

Beep, beep, beep, beep. 10 seconds.

He ran to the second floor. No one.

Beep, beep, beep. 7 seconds.

Peter swung to the next floor, calling out for the people. He started to panic. Maybe this was a bad idea after all...

Beep, beep, beep. 4 seconds.

No. He was a superhero. He saves people.
"Hello?! Anybody!"

Beep, beep. 2 seconds.


All Peter remembered seeing was white before the pain hit him. He was throw around, and crashed through the wall of the building before landing on the grass below.

His lungs hurt. His face hurt. He lifted his mask up just so it was exposing his mouth, just so he could breathe.

He coughed and spluttered, spitting blood onto the ground, before he felt someone helping him up. He looked up and saw Rhodey. His mask was down and he wore a worried expression.

"Peter! Are you alright?" He asked frantically.

"I-I'm...I'm okay. Just need some air." Peter wheezed. Then he heard stomping feet, making his way towards him. Before he had any time to react, they grabbed his arm harshly and pulled him behind another building and into an alleyway. He glanced back at Rhodey, and he looked back at him anxiously. But he didn't follow them.

He was shoved against a wall and he looked at Tony. He was livid. His nanotech suit retracted on itself and he yanked Peter's mask off for him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

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