"With This Smile, I Can Get Away With Everything."

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Tony picks Peter up from school.


Tony drummed his fingers slightly on the steering wheel to the beat of the AC/DC he put on whilst he waited for Peter.

He was bored so he gave Happy the day off so he could pick Peter up instead. Of course, he would never admit this to anyone, not even to himself, but he was also picking Peter up because he wanted to. He wanted to talk to him, hear about his day...and just see him.

He was too stressed out from work. He really needed his daily dose of serotonin for the day, and it was about to walk out of the double doors of the school.

And then there he was, walking alongside Ned and MJ. He had a slight smile on his face. That was before he looked up and saw who was picking him up, then his smile grew. And Tony's heart warmed.

He watched as Peter waved goodbye to his friends and practically skip his way to the car. Tony chuckled to himself and turned down his music before the boy got in.

"Hey Mr. Stark! What are you doing here? Where's Happy?" Peter said excitedly.

"Ouch, do you not want me here? Do you prefer Happy?" Tony teased him in mock offense.

"No, no! That's not what I meant!" Peter said quickly as he shut the door and plugged his seatbelt in.

"Relax, kid." Tony chuckled. "Only teasing." He turned the engine on and pulled away from the curb. "I just thought that I'd pick you up today instead. Is that okay?"

"Oh, absolutely, Mr. Stark!" Peter's smile never faded.

"So, today, my Spanish teacher was absent so we had a substitute and the class went crazy, so he went to go get another teacher to calm the class down but funnily enough, he ended up getting Mrs Greene and she's the most chilled back and funny teacher there is so she just let us talk and do whatever. The substitute got all annoyed because he couldn't control the class and Mrs Greene just kept on telling him to take a chill pill." Peter rambled on about his day and Tony listened to every word. He loved the way the kid got excited while telling his stories, even if he got distracted and didn't finish all of them.

Tony made a mental note to get him checked out to see if he has ADHD. It was most likely that he did, and it just made Tony love him even more.

"-And then Flash got called up to the front and his face went completely red! It was so funny. Don't you just love karma, Mr. Stark?" Peter laughed.

"Sure do, kid." Tony smiled.

"Ooh, ooh! Can we stop at McDonald's please? I really want a burger!" Peter said, jumping from subject to subject. Tony sighed which turned into a chuckle.

"Sorry, kid. Pepper's cooking today and she'll kill me if she finds out I let you eat before."

"Oh, come on! Please!" Peter begged, dragging out the 'please'.

"No, Peter." Tony said, trying to sound stern even though he didn't want to.

"Mr. Stark!" Peter whined and he finally looked at the boy. It was a horrible mistake, because the kid pulled the puppy eyes.

"Oh, come on Pete, you can't do that. That's unfair." Tony groaned.

"Please...I'm really hungry." Peter said, sounding like a little kid that wants ice cream.

"Well, you can eat Pepper's food in a couple of hours then!"

"Dad! Please!" Peter begged again. Peter knew what he was doing. He knew that Tony softened as soon as he called him dad. Tony knew what he was doing too. He knew exactly what he was doing.

But he didn't care.

"Alright, we can go to McDonald's, but you can't tell Pepper. Deal?" Tony said as he made a u-turn. Peter's smile reached his ears.

"Deal! Thank you!" He said excitedly. Tony scoffed.

"Y'know kid, you're not gonna be able to get away with everything all the time. This is the last exception." He said. Peter looked at Tony and his smile returned before he looked back ahead of him again.

"With this smile, I can get away with everything." Peter murmured. Tony sighed.

"You're a little shit, Peter."

"You know I'm right."

Tony looked at Peter.

"Yeah, I do."

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