Murder pt1

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Peter does something bad that he regrets deeply

A/N: this is my fav one so far so there will probs be a bunch of parts lmfao sorry <3

Peter is the most innocent soul you can ever come across. He never gets angry at anyone, and rarely gets annoyed. He is just too precious for this world.

This cruel, dark world.

That can turn even the most purest of minds murderous.


Peter stumbled down the stairs with his 7th backpack that year, ready to go to school.

"Bye Mr Stark!" He calls out as he presses the button to the elevator. Tony sighed but smiled to himself, Peter continued to call him Mr Stark even after the countless times that he told him to call him Tony. He was living with him at this point, and was his adopted son. Tony wouldn't even mind 'dad'.

"Bye kid!" He yelled back from the kitchen. Peter got in the elevator and rode it to the bottom floor where Happy was waiting to him.

Peter smiled as he followed Happy to the black car that was parked outside.

Peter jumped in the backseat and happy got in the drivers. Peter leant his head against the window, watching the trees and other cars pass. Before he knew it, they had pulled up to his school.

Peter waved goodbye to Happy and walked inside his school walls.

"Hey dude! Guess what?" Ned said, who had snuck up behind him. Peter jumped.

"Dude, you scared me." Peter laughed.

"I thought you had spider senses?" Ned whispered to him as they got to their lockers.

"Only for danger. No offense, but you're not dangerous Ned." Peter said as he put some books in his locker.

"Touché." Ned nodded. "Anyway, I got that new video game!" He continues excitedly.

"Really? No way! The Katana Kai one?" Peter said with a huge smile on his face and Ned nodded.

"Sup losers?" A voice came from behind them.

Peter smiled and turned around to face his girlfriend, MJ.

"Hey there stranger." Peter said as he wrapped his arm around her waist and kisses the side of her head. They hadn't seen each other in a while, due to all of the things Peter had to get done.

"I missed you." MJ said to Peter with a half smile on her face. Peter smiled widely at her, with love in his eyes.

"Oh come on, I was trying to tell Peter about Karate Kai! Then you came along with your hypnotizing eyes and your hot-" Ned complains but gets cut off by Peter.

"Alright, Ned. We get it." The bell went and they headed off to class.

Peter got through Chemistry with ease, then physics and then math. The day was over before it had even begun.

Peter had asked Tony to not send Happy after school to pick him up. He wanted to walk home today, just to clear his head and to get some alone time.

Peter walked out the school, down the streets and through the woods, when his spider senses started going off. He tensed up and started speed walking, until he got a stone hurled at his head. It hurt a little, but not too much. He turned around and came face to face with Flash Thompson.

Was he following me?

"Hey penis Parker. What are you doing out here, all alone?" Flash spat.

"Flash, I really can't put up with you today. I'm sorry." Peter said as he straightened himself up. He walked away but Flash pulled him back.

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