Chapter 1

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[ DISCLAIMER: the writing in this is very much dogshit but it's iconic and I refuse to delete so enjoy]

Gina Silvers laid on her bed next to the cook book, indecisive about whether to cook with out her friends or not. 'Stylin Stu' the page read. 'Just one time.' she thought to her self, as she picked up the book and began to walk down stairs into her navy blue kitchen.

She grabbed one tsp of werpoes salt and began to cook her recipe. She made sure the measurements were exactly correct as she couldn't have anything go wrong tonight. For her mother's wedding she wanted to look her best, present a good first impression on her mother's friends and her soon to - be step father, Will's co workers. Her dress that her mother bought her was dark blue with a little white ribbon tied around her waste. Normally she wouldn't cook in such beautiful attire but she only had 30 minutes before her grand mother would come to pick her up so, she settled for an apron. She lifted her hair up and tied her apron around her neck. Her hair was the very reason for this mess, she need it to curl correctly but for some reason it went flat. The stu was help that completely.

Gina and her two best friends Ida Pérez and Becky Patterson had been protectors of the cookbook  for the entire summer, it was now September which meant back to school season. She had a week until she started the 9th grade which was her first year of high school.

She hesitated to put the warpoes salt into the stu, it was the last step before she could eat it, if she stopped now it would just be regular stu and she could keep her promise they made when they first found the book; We'll each get a week keeping the cook at our house but every time we cook with it we have to do it together. It was a stupid rule but she couldn't complain she was the one who suggested it. She looked in the mirror at her flat hair and then at the stu, she needed to look her best and as long as she kept quiet they'd never know. She carefully sprinkled the salt on top and then blew on it before spooning it into her mouth. After about two seconds she stepped in front of the mirror and admired her new half up half down puff hair style. She hid  the cookbook back in her room with her Nancy Drew book collection then, went back downstairs to clean up her mess before she seen her grandma pull in her drive way.
"We're here," Gina's grandma stated as they pulled into the chapel, " your hair looks amazing by the way, how'd you do it?" She asked parking.
"Oh," Gina said surprised, " practice I guess." She lied.
" You'll have to teach me!" She joked undoing her seat belt.

They started to walk into the chapel hooking arms.
" Will we get to see Mother before she walks down the isle?" Gina asked.
" I don't think so since we're not apart of the wedding," she looked at Gina who seemed upset about not being apart of it, " it's okay you'd have to take pictures and stuff all night, it's more fun to be a guest anyways." She nudged her as they stepped into the chapel. " Come on kiddo, why don't you go find your friends I think they're in the second row." She pointed at the blonde girl in the pink dress and the black haired girl in the orange one. Gina remembered the spell and started to get nervous as she walked towards the girls.
" Gina!" Becky yelled happily.
" You guys look great!" She complimented sitting down next to Ida.
" So do you! Look at your hair," Becky said reaching over to touch it, " it's so..perfect, how'd you do that?" She asked her.
" I know." Ida said seriously sitting up frowning her eye brows.
"You do?" She gulped, feeling her face burn.
" Gina is just naturally good everything." She teased.
" Oh," she said with relief, " I mean no! There's plenty of things I'm not good at." She corrected her self.
" Name three."
" Ice skating, dancing and sports."
They all shared a glance before bursting out laughing.
" Fair enough." Becky said catching her breath.

The wedding bells rang as Will's niece came down the isle with a little boy. She threw flowers while the boy held the rings. Two bridesmaids and two groomsmen walked down the isle together linking arms as if they were a couple, the final pair came down the isle. The girl was beautiful, her dark hair placed into a bun, her fair skin complemented her emerald dress perfectly. The groomsmen who linked arms with her was tall with slicked back dark black hair.  This confused Gina because the boy looked to be about 14 while the girl was at least 25. She figured they were related and not a real couple when she pecked one of the other older groomsmen on the check.
The reception started and everyone rose as her mother came down the isle.
"Beautiful." Gina whispered in amazement.
The dance had started and Gina and her friends watched as the adults crowed the dance floor, dancing to Elvis Presley.
" We're going to go dance, wanna come?" Becky asked Gina.
" I told you," Gina chuckled, " I'm not good at dancing."
Ida laughed before heading to the dance floor with Becky.

"Hello. " William greeted as he sat next to
" Hi." Gina liked Will, he owned his own bakery down town where Gina and her friends often hung out after school. 
" You having fun?" He asked her looking straight ahead.
" Yeah." She said trying not to sound as bored as she was. He laughed while taking a sip of wine.
" I don't like dancing either, don't worry." He admitted. " Your friends around?" He asked looking around for Ida and Becky.
" They're dancing." She pointed at her friends dancing, awfully. " They're not much better than me though." They both laughed.

"Well while your free, there's someone I want you to meet." He stood up and she followed.
" He's over there," he pointed at the black hair boy she seen at the chapel, " I don't think he's big on dancing either." He was sitting by himself playing with a fork. Gina looked at Will, " Go on," he pushed her, " I sadly have to go take pictures outside." He chuckled.
" I don't know anything about him." She said. 
" He's 14, he just moved here from lavender heights. His parents died when he was little and he's been in foster care ever since, although maybe don't make that the conversation starter," he joked, "My brother found out we were like 5th cousins and decided to take him in. He's a good kid so I thought he'd have fun here." He answered, " I'm pretty sure he's going to the same school as you next week. At least you'll know someone  there besides Ida and Becky." Gina stared and him. " He's pretty cute right?" He smirked.
Gina looked at him with a confused look,
" Oh yea he's a total hunk." She said sarcastically.
" Go keep him company!"
" Fine."
Will walked away leaving Gina alone.
" Wait! What's his-" she turned around realizing he was gone, " name.." She stood awkwardly before building up the courage to walk over the the boy in the suit.
" uh um, hi." She said when she reached him.
The boy instantly looked up.
" Hey?"
" Can I sit?"
The boy looked confused but he moved over so Gina could sit down. There was an awkward silence before she broke it. " I'm Gina," She told him, " Will told me about you. He said you were like fifth cousins or something."
"Yeah," he chuckled, " I'm staying with his brother, he's pretty rad." He said turning towards her. " Which ones are your folks?"
She laughed then pointed at her mom, taking shots at the bar.
" Oh your that Gina," he said, " Will talks a lot about you."
" Really?" He nodded.
" You see the girl in the red and white dress?" He asked.
"Yea?" She glanced around the room until she found the obvious intoxicated girl dancing.
" She just stole 15 bucks from your step dad's wallet." He told her.
" What?!" She gasped.
" Will and Brodie's Cousin, I'm pretty sure."
They both laughed.
" Man! No offence but weddings kinda suck." They watched as all the couple began slow dancing to Put Your Head On My Shoulder.
" Yeah." She agreed. The couple closest to them started making out while dancing.
" Gross."
" I think I see tongue."  They joked.
" Do you go to Saffron High?" He asked.
" Well I'm starting there on the 8th."
" That's a relief at least I'll know someone there. I start that day too." He looked at his shoes then at Gina.
" Who's homeroom are you in?" She asked.
" I think Mrs. Black?"
"Mrs. Brown?" She asked.
" Yeah! The one with the glasses," he agreed,
" are you with her as well?"
" Yeah. So is Becky and Ida, they're my best friends. You should sit with up on the first day." She offered.
" That'd be great!" He smiled.
She smiled then looked down.
" Oh Gina. " he said.
"Yeah?" She said not looking up.
" What?" She said looking at him.
" My name," he told her, " it's Chuck."
- R

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