Chapter 3

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Gina was woken up by the sound of her alarm clock at exactly 6:00 AM. She groaned as she reached over to her nightstand and turned her alarm off. She stared at the celling for awhile then realized she had to get up to feed her cat, Fluffy. She slipped on her pink slippers then headed down stairs to get the food.

"Here Fluffy," she sat down the bowl and wiped her hands on her yellow buttoned up pj's. "Fluffy?" She called after a few moments.
" She gone again?" Will asked while entering the kitchen.
" Yea, I can't find her." She answered.
" Don't worry about her, your mother and I will handle it. You go get ready for school bed head." He joked, getting out cereal.
" Oh yea I forgot about that." She looked down shuffling her feet.
" Hey," Will comforted, " you'll be fine. You're gonna love high school! I did for sure." He opened the milk and began to pour it in.
" Thanks Will." She smiled,
" Do you want some cereal?"
" Yea just don't put the milk in because-"
" You don't like it soggy, I know." He finished for her. She smiled then headed up stairs to go get ready.

She wore a pink skirt with a white top with red outlines. She left her wavy hair down and put two braids framing her face. She matched her outfit with red Converse with her initials on the back. She quickly placed mascara on her lashes then bopped blush on her nose and cheeks before grabbing her bag to head downstairs.
"Gina!" Becky called from the bus stop. Gina jogged over towards her smiled, " Hey! I love your outfit!" She admired Becky's blue dress with a baby pink cardigan over top.
" Thank you!" She said cheerfully.
" Are you nervous?" Gina bit the inside of her lip.
"Terrified." Becky told her, " At least we know 2 people."
" Ida and Chuck?" She clarified, " You know the cute boy from your mom's wedding last week."
" You think he's cute?" She quickly questioned.
" Well yea."
"Oh." She responded.
" Unless you like him," Becky quickly saved her self, " because if you do he's totally your's."
" No, you can have him." She forced a smile across her face.
" I'd never go out with him though, I just thought he was cute." She told her not believing her smile.
Gina felt relieved, but why? She didn't like him, she hardly knew him. Right?
" This way 9th graders!" A teacher directed a group of kids coming off the bus towards the gazebo in the front of the school.
" Woah." Gina and Becky were amazed by how large their new school was, 500 kids larger to be exact.
" I barley recognize anyone for Saffron Junior," Gina said looking around. " do you?"
Becky shook her head. Two teachers came forward, one with hair but no beard and the other beard but no hair.
" Band kids come this way for a quick moment to register your instruments!" The man yelled.
Gina began to follow the crowed when Becky grabbed her.
" Don't leave me, please!"
" I'll be right back, try to find Ida if you can then we can all be together."
Becky nodded then let go.

" Name." The women called.
" Gina Silvers." Her voice shaky.
" Okay Gina.." she wrote down, " we have 5 flutes, 9 clarinets, 18 trumpets, 3 guitars and a spot for the piano but you have to audition for that. "
" Oh, when's auditions?" She asked.
" Today after school in the band room." The woman answered not looking up.
" Uh, can I pick an instrument now and still audition?" She asked her anxiety rising.
" Okay I'll guess I'll try out for piano." She decided.
" You know If you don't get in you can't be in band?" She made sure.
" Um, yes ma'am."
" Okay, don't be late or else you loose your audition." She ordered sternly. 

Gina nodded then started to walked away, " Name?" She heard her call.
" Chuck." A familiar voice answered.
Gina swiftly turned around to see Chuck standing behind her. He greeted her with a warm grin which she returned with a nervous smile. " Hankins, Chuck Hankins. I'm new here." He finished.
" Everyone is." She smacked her gum.
" Right, yeah." He scratched his head in embarrassment.
Gina chuckled and then walked towards her friends.

The three girls walked down the hallway holding their schedules, " Looks like we have math first with Mr. Cockran.." Ida read.
"Cockran?!" Gina and Becky gasped then let out a laugh.
" What type of name is Cockran?" Ida asked rhetorically.
They stepped into the half empty class room and stood for a moment by the door.
" I bet his wife is embarrassed by the last name Cockran, can you imagine?  Cindy Cockran, Mary Cockran." Gina laughed, while Becky and Ida stood in horror in front of her.
" What-"
" My wife's name is Annie, she loves our name and you've just got yourself detention Miss, Silvers. " Mr. Cockran scolded.
" Sit." He ordered sternly.
The girls took their seats in the front right next to wall a few moments before the rest of the class.
Gina and Ida exchanged nervous glances before Mr. Cockran began.

About 10 minutes into the lesson a knock on the door interrupted Mr. Cockran.
"Gina get the door." He told her since she was closest to the door. Opened the door a crack to see who was late for class, low and behold Chuck Hankins stood shocked to her.
Gina quickly opened the door wide then took her seat. 

" Mr. Hankins." He said coldly.
" Sorry I'm late sir, I.. got lost." He lied. 

" This is high school Mr Hankins. Last warning before I give you detention, please take your seat."

Chuck sat down in the only free behind Ida, flustered and straighten his leather jacket, receiving a dirty look from Ida.
Becky looked over from one side and smiled.
Chuck barley returned a smile while he tried to focus on the lesson. Gina could feel eyes on her while she tried not to pay attention and focus.

20 minutes before class ended Mr. Cockran played a fire safety video on a roll in small TV.
The video went over drills and stop drop in roll, which Gina found quiet fascinating. Not Chuck, he found something else interesting,
"Mr. Hankins." Chuck instantly looked away from Gina.
" Yes Sir?" He asked.
" Do you find this presentation interesting?" He asked pausing turning the volume down.
" Uh- Yes very." He tried to sound confident.
"Mmh." He nodded, " as interesting at staring at the back of Ms. Silvers head?" He embarrassed him.
"No sir." He answered looking at his desk. 
Gina tried not to blush while everyone had their eyes on them.
" Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to stare at her in detention." He lectured.

Looks like Gina won't be alone after all.

Anyways I didn't write this in the middle of the night like I usually do so hopefully there isn't as much spelling or grammar mistakes but if there is I apologize.

- R<3

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