Chapter 5

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Gina and Chuck sat under the desk of Mr. Hill, their lips pressing against each other.

" Who's here?!" Mr. Cockran yelled.

Gina pulled away from Chuck and held her breath.

" Gina," he whispered.
She pinched his hand to tell him to be quiet.

He groaned in pain, " The hell was that for?" He hissed quietly.

" Stop talking!" She snapped.

" I wasn't talking!" He defended .

"Gina," she heard it again. This time she knew it wasn't Chuck, she looked at his none moving lips.

" Gina?" The voice grew louder and more intense. She recognized the voice from somewhere.

"Gina!" She glanced over at Chuck who seemed to not notice the loud calls.

" Gina!"

This time it was clear who's voice it was.
" Gina come on," Will?

What was will doing doing at her school?

"GINA!" He shouted, she felt pulling on her shoulder.

"Ow! What the-"
Suddenly her eyes opened dangerously fast.

" Gina, finally! Come on your gonna be late for your first day of school." Will hovered over her while she laid in her bed.

" What?" Gina awakened, she looked around her room, then at her clock, 7:00 AM it said.
Her calendar had every box checked until the 8th of September, meaning it was the first day of school.

She stared at her step father for a moment then put two and two together.

It was a dream.

She felt an overwhelming urge to punch something, it was such a good dream.

" Come on! Get up!" He left the room closing the door.

She stood to get changed into the same outfit she wore in her dream.

The morning went exactly like how it  did in her dream. Gina signed up for Piano where she seen Chuck.

Her and the girls walked down the hallway where the girls read their schedules.

" Looks like we have math with Mr.-"

" Cockran." She finished confidently.

" What? No." Ida laughed, " We have Mr. Butts for that class." They stepped in his class where he was absent.

" What? Butts?! And I thought Cockran was bad, that just may be the most ridiculous name  I've ever heard." She laughed while Ida and Becky stood In horror.
Gina's heart sank as she realized what she just did.

" He's behind me isn't he." She closed her eyes and turned around.

" Butts was my grandfathers last name. He served in the 1st world war where he died. It's a noble last name. That will be detention for you Ms. Silvers." He lectured. How could this happen again. Gina looked down and nodded.
" Take your seat. All of you."

 The Lost Boy From 1965Where stories live. Discover now