Bonus Chapter

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So this chapter will take place after the festival and after Chuck Disappeared. It will probably be short but I've been missing the OCS and Chuck so bad so I thought I'd write a little bonus chapter.
I hope you enjoy:)

Gina awoke the next morning with a pain of guilt in her stomach and dry and sore eyes from weeping all night long.

She didn't know how they were going to get him back or how they were going to explain to everyone what had happened. Chuck was dangerous, she knew that deep down even though she'd hidden it for months. He knew about the magic and obviously did not have good intentions. Still, he didn't deserve to be banished into thin air and she knew no matter how much Ida or Becky would explain to her how bad he was, she'd always care a great deal for him. Nothing could change that, she thought.

That morning Becky and Ida had came over to talk things over, they needed to figure out how to fix it.
" We need to figure out how to fix this." Becky stated sitting down on her Gina's bed while Ida rolled her eyes as she skimmed through the book.

" Yeah, we need to get Chuck back." Gina agreed as she closed her door. " What will the school say- What will we say? We were the last people to see him, people will have questions."

" What if he never comes back and I never get my seed?" Ida worriedly tossed the book to Becky and pushed herself over to make room for Gina.

" Forget your stupid seed, Ida! What about Chuck?" the same argument had been made about five times since Chuck's disappearance, one that still had not been resolved.
" Easy for you to say! You two have your seeds!"

" Both of you stop!" Becky butted in once again knowing the bigger problem they had on their hands. " Ida forget the seed and Gina forget your ' boyfriend ' for one second." she stood and looked at the calendar. " We have school tomorrow. What are we going to do when the teachers start sniffing around? We'll be fine for about a week. Chuck did skip a lot but once they realize he's not coming back who do you think they're gonna come looking for? We were with him the day he was last seen, everyone knows that. And what are we supposed to do when the fuzz show up asking for questions about where we last seen him? What am I supposed to say? That he disappeared into thin air, that'll get us locked up in the looney bin! "

Gina and Ida shared knowing glances, she was right. They knew that. They couldn't exactly explain what happened so they knew they had to come up with something.

" We need to come up with an alibi, a story and an explanation." Ida looked around and leaned closer to Gina while Becky sat beside them.
" I've got it." she whispered, " We play dumb. We don't say anything to anyone unless they ask, and if they do, we say he must just be sick and that we haven't seen him since he got off the Ferris Wheel. When the fuzz say he's missing we say he was acting a little strange but that we were all on good terms. Got it?"

The two nodded. Becky stood to leave.
" Where're you do going?"
" Well we have to act normal right? I've got a dance class and it'll look suspicious if I blow it off."


" Hey Gina! " Willy called Gina from in the hallway.
" Hey Wil-"
" You seen Chuck anywhere? " the question she knew would come hurt even more than she could have ever imagined. She kept a strong face when all she wanted to do was cry.
" No, actually. Not since the festival."

Willy clicked his tongue and put his hands in pockets as they walked to their Bio class.
" Darn... Yeah I've been looking for him. Nobody's seen him." she faked smile and threw her books on the table right next to Chuck's empty seat.

" Don't worry. I'm sure he'll turn up eventually. It's not like he disappeared into thin air."

 The Lost Boy From 1965Where stories live. Discover now