Rampaging Teen Hormones

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"W-what are you doing?" Maya stammered in surprise.

"Taking a nap," Min Ki replied, settling his head closer to her belly.

Maya swiped her tongue over her lips in nervousness. She felt parched all of a sudden. "You should take a proper nap on your nice, comfy, fluffy pillow over there,"Maya told him, pushing his head off her lap.

Min Ki just came back closer, "please, just for a bit, let's stay this way. Stay with me," he begged, looking into her eyes before he placed his arms around her waist to nestle deeper into her tummy. "You smell nice," he continued.

A chill coursed down her spine that she had to make all effort for her body not to shake but Maya still jerked away in alarm, the force of it put her off balance and she ended up sprawled on his bed with Min Ki's head ending up just below her chest near her diaphragm.

Min Ki adjusted his arms and leaned above her. He then pulled her ponytail off her hair, saying, "you look beautiful with your hair spread around you on my bed," before settling back down on her belly, his head turned away, facing towards the open door, and placing his right hand on her flat stomach, a hair's breadth away from her pubis region.

Maya inhaled sharply and wanted to push the boy off her again, but his sleepy voice stopped her. "Relax, let us just sleep, okay?" He muttered before promptly going to sleep, snoring softly.

The hand Maya had placed on his head meant to push him off, came to brush his soft, lush hair instead, until Maya felt the tiredness seeping into her bones, her eyes began to droop and she fell into a deep slumber herself.

That was the scene Mina discovered when she took a sneak inside Min Ki's room later. She got curious when everything seemed to have gone quiet inside but she did not see her best friend come out of the room. She looked at the two most important people in her life right now and smiled.

Mina understood Maya's misgivings but she was just too glad Min Ki found another soul he could trust and be comfortable with in this new surroundings she had brought her son to. Other people might found the scene incomprehensible, even scandalous, but to her they merely looked as two people meant to be together right now. Smiling dreamily, she closed the door to Min Ki's room softly and went to her own room for a nap.

Maya felt the soft caress of a hand on her face. A fingertip was tracing her brows, eyelashes, the bridge of her nose and her lips. Irritated that someone was bothering her sleep, she caught the finger trailing her lips between her teeth. She heard a heated gasp. Still not fully awakened, her subconscious still in between Dreamland and consciousness, she darted her tongue out, and involuntarily tasted the finger still caught inside her mouth.

Maya heard a groan, haphazardlyly pulling her head out of Dreamland. Her widened eyes meshed with that of a pair of smoky chinky eyes. Min Ki's face was flushed and he was breathing heavily. Maya realized she still had the boy's finger in the cavern of her mouth and she had unwittingly pulled hard on it making Min Ki jerked closer.

"Oomph, that's so hot," whispered Min Ki with a groan, his eyes glittering with an emotion Maya was afraid to decipher.

Maya popped her mouth open and yanked her head away from the boy. The captured finger fell off her mouth but with the force of her retreat, his freed hand fell on top of her cleavage. Horrified, her shocked eyes clashed with Min Ki's impassioned ones.

Maya's left arm came up to pull away his hand spread on top of her cleavage but was distracted when Min Ki suddenly declared,"you look very sexy when you are blushing," his right arm entangling with her hair spread around her, effectively preventing her escape.

Maya was mesmerized by the darkening orb of his eyes, her hold on Min Ki's wrist tightened involuntarily. No! Her mind screamed as his head began to dip downward, his grasp on her hair tightening.

Maya twisted her body and placed both her arms up in front of her, bracing them on the hardened plane of muscles on Min Ki's chest. But her naughty mind was still able to record how well-formed those muscles seemed beneath his shirt despite his age and youthfulness. How warm his chest feels, her racy thought goaded.

Min Ki suddenly slumped above Maya, his full weight undermining the strength of her braced arms, pinning them beneath his supine body. He took a deep breath in, inhaling the sweet smell of shampoo on her hair. He could feel her tremble underneath him and despite the urge of passion burning inside him, he did not have the heart to force himself upon her.

Min Ki forced to clamp down on his growing need, he breathe in and out of his mouth to calm down his raging male hormones. When his hammering heart slowed down, he gathered Maya in his arms and lie flat on his back with her sprawled on top of his chest.

"I am sorry, I got too excited," Min Ki apologized, brushing his lips on her forehead while sweeping one of his arms down her back to comfort her.

Maya hastily scrambled off Min Ki and tidied up her hair, looking around for her ponytail to avoid looking directly at the boy. She felt like crying. She was too old for these, and very much married to boot. She had no business romping on a boy's bed, one younger than her youngest daughter and the son of her best friend. She might not have the intention to cheat on her husband but she had let things got out of hand with the young man.

Spotting the lost ponytail at the foot of the bed, Maya crawled away to snatch it up and tie her hair up to a semblance of order, before scrambling to get off the bed away from the boy messing up with her head and body.

Min Ki at once recognized the shame and discomfort etched on the woman's face. He could not allow her to feel that way. He feared he would lose her forever if he let her chastise herself for his indiscretion.

Min Ki sprung out of bed and launched himself to give her a hug from behind. ""Please... it's my fault! Don't berate yourself! But please don't be angry with me, too," he begged, his arms tightening around her in panic.

Maya took a deep breath and swallowed a lump in her throat. She could feel Min Ki trembling in fear. She sighed, placing a hand over his clasped hands around her, she gently tapped them.

"Let us both calm down and take a step back from each other for now. I need to get back home to my family. Let us not get ahead of ourselves and should reflect on our actions later when we are not so overwhelmed by both of our presence and our circumstances," Maya whispered in an emotional note before disentangling herself from the boy's embrace.

"You meant to come back again, right?" Min Ki called after her in a desolate voice.

Maya did not look back but she replied, " your mom is my best friend, and she needs me."

Min Ki breathed loudly in relief. At least, she would not totally run away from him. He looked down on himself and blamed it on his failure to control his rampaging teen hormones.

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