Perfect Secret Magician

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Min Ki hopped on his bike and offered his hand to Maya. Maya ignored his hand and guided herself on the seat in between Min Ki's legs. Oh, goodness! This is really awkward! Maya thought in dismay as she sat stiffly, as far away as possible from Min Ki's legs.

"Relax! I will make the ride as comfortable as it can be," promised Min Ki. Maya did not reply at all.

"Was it that too bad?" Min Ki asked wistfully.

Huh? What did he say? "What is what's too bad?" Maya clarified.

"Your time travel," Min Ki replied. "You were gone for quite a bit. You were not back before I went to sleep," Min Ki continued.

"I thought you also went time traveling. You also drank the tea, right?" Maya prodded.

"I drank the tea but if I had time travelled, you would still see the fifteen year old me, so, I didn't make a wish," Min Ki answered.

Maya could not see his facial expression or his eyes, so she did not know if Min Ki was saying the truth or not.

"Does that mean, it is possible not to time travel even after drinking the tea?" Maya was unconvinced.

"Yes, I could still do so tonight. I am not sure how long the effect will be since I have not made the wish then," Min Ki offered.

Maya went silent, thinking deeply over their conversation. If she indeed travelled alone that night, then, 15-year-old Min Ki did not know what happened between her and the older Min Ki. That is quite a relief! Maya sighed.

"So, how was it?" Min Ki pestered Maya.

"Oh, the time traveling was just fine. I did not feel anything like dizziness or headache. One minute we were talking at the table, then afterwards, I was looking at an older you," Maya chose to tell partly the truth, so the boy would not pester her anymore.

"Really?" Min Ki was excited to hear that.

"Don't tell me you experimented on me the effect of your tea?" Maya felt indignant.

"Hehe! Actually, you can say that you are correct. I have not tried the tea for myself yet, but my grandfather attested it's efficiency. Otherwise, he would not bestow it on me," Min Ki admitted.

Maya slapped Min Ki's leg on her right. Min Ki slightly swerved to the right in surprise. "Hey, I'm driving here!" He protested.

"What if something bad happened during my time travel? How about if I got stuck there?" Maya was alarmed.

"The older me would not allow you to worry. He would have reminded you to make your wish to go back to this time period for you to be back here now," Min Ki reasoned.

Maya frowned, trying to remember if she indeed made a wish before she slept after the energy-draining activity she did before sleeping on that time travel. She would have worn back the nighty if she did. But I think I did subconsciously made a wish when my conscience began to nag at me for doing such promiscuity, Maya finally admitted. I wished that it was all a dream and that I am back to reality.

"You must have had a very long chat with the 25-year-old me. Even after an hour of waiting for you, you have not come back," Min Ki commented.

"Uh, you are very engaging and entertaining, I never noticed the time. Also the time there could be much faster than the real time," Maya claimed.

"No, the time period could not be different. It is the same world, after all, just in a different time era," Min Ki rebutted.

"Is my mom still around that time?" Min Ki queried.

"Nope, I did not see her there," Maya answered. Mina could not be there or else Min Ki would not feel so free or unbridled with his passionate action with me. We were not exactly quiet with what we were doing, Maya reasoned to herself.

"So, it is possible Mom would go back living with my dad in Korea," Min Ki happily surmised.

"So, what is my work in the future? Have I even graduated?" Min Ki persisted.

Oh, my goodness! Min Ki, stop questioning me! I didn't have time to chat with you before we began doing the unthinkable, Maya wanted to scream. Luckily they already reached her house. Saved by the bell, or, is it by the house? She hysterically asked herself.

"That is a topic for a later date. We have arrived and I think it's not yet time to meet my family when your mom is not around," Maya maneuvered. One look at you and Papi might not let me meet with Mina again. You are one big threat to his territory and woman despite your young age, is what Maya was really thinking of saying.

"Hmm, okay! I will try to time travel tonight. I would like to check how long the effect of one drink will be. I will try to bring along some powder with me, in case, I encountered some difficulties. I am sure the teapot and cups will still be at the house then even if I traveled to, let's say, twenty years from now. You would be sixty seven then," Min Ki smilingly disclosed.

"Why at that age? You want to check how old and ugly I had become then? And, be reminded, you cannot stay at any era for a very long time. Your mom will worry if you are gone suddenly in the middle of the night and don't come back after a long period of time," Maya warned Min Ki.

"Will you even worry about me?" Min Ki asked. "And, for your info, no matter what age you have become, you will always be special to me. You will always be beautiful to me," Min Ki insisted.

"Hush, flatterer! And for the record, of course, I will worry about you! Imagine, you will be traveling at the age of fifteen to an era where you might be alone. There is also a chance that you will meet the person you have become at that time period or your mom, if she happen to be around. How can you explain that? Or does your mom know about the magical tea?" Maya reiterated.

"Mom does not know anything about the tea. My father was not even privy to it because my grandpa told me, I can only bestow the magic powder to one of my grandsons, or else, the powder will loose its power," Min Ki retorted.

"Is it safe for me to know about all these then?" Maya inquired.

"Yes, after all, you need to know what effect the tea has for you to make a proper wish. Besides only I know the secret incantation to go with brewing the concoction," Min Ki responded.

Maya mulled over that information. Looking at Min Ki, she could totally imagine how he would look on a magician's robe. With a mask on, he would be one awesome, mysterious looking, handsome magician. My own perfect secret magician!

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