Few Stolen Moments

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(Warning: This chapter contains mature sexual content.)

When Maya reached their table, she immediately called to greet the fifteen years old Min Ki a happy birthday. The boy seemed to be just waiting for her call because he quickly picked up the call.

"How's the surprise," was the boy's opening remark.

Maya had to smile at the excitement evident in his voice. "Why the forty-five years old version?"

"Hmm, you don't sound disappointed with him at all, so, I must still be a panty dropper at that age," Min Ki shamelessly commented.

"Wow, oozing with too much confidence, aren't you?" Maya laughingly replied. She caught a glimpse of forty-five years old Min Ki chatting with one of the female guests. He was trying to catch her eye, maybe feeling out of his league now that more women, young and old, flocked around him, probably trying to make him ask them for a dance. More like forcing him to do so, Maya thought trying not to laugh at Min Ki's rigid posture as he tried to step closer to her. She got off the phone after telling the younger Min Ki, his older self needed rescuing from lionesses at the party.

Maya's boss arrival at this juncture was a real godsend to Min Ki as the women parted to give way to Maya's supervisor. "Hello, Mr. Silvana! It is nice of you to grace tonight's event!" He greeted Min Ki, grasping the younger man's hands.

Maya raised a brow in response while she heard the surrounding women gasp in unison. Maya overheard one of them saying, they never imagined that was how goodlooking Maya's husband really was. Maya turned to look at Min Ki more closely. How uncannily the same Min Ki did seem to look like Dominic especially when he wore a mask. They did have the same built, except that Min Ki was actually taller than Dominic by four inches, but people not closely acquainted with her husband would not notice that difference.

Maya was torn between the choice not to reveal Min Ki's real identification hoping her boss and her husband would not meet in person anytime soon or to tell the truth and earn her boss inquisition. She was saved from answering when Min Ki stepped in and introduced himself as the hired dance instructor for Maya's performance tonight. He just came to the rescue because Maya's real dance partner, Ariel, got sick from the brandy and had to go home real quick.

"Oh, my apologies for my mistake. I met Maya's husband quite a lot before and he really looked like you from what I could recall of him," Maya's boss apologized copiously.

"I do get that from most people who knows the two of us," Min Ki replied effortlessly, as if, there were many people who really saw him looking like that. On second thought, if it was on his own time and they remained good friends over the years, maybe there would be people commenting his uncanny resemblance to Dominic at such age.

"Oh, well, I do hope you enjoyed the evening, Mr. Jang. Maya, I just came over to thank you once again for your valuable help and commendable performance to make this fund-raising event possible and earn us such big donations and even positive words of assistance from the local government to ensure the accomplishment of our community project this year," the old man stated before leaving them to enjoy the rest of the evening on their own.

Min Ki complied to dance with some of Maya's women coworkers and wives of guests when Maya could not refuse to dance with the higher officials of their company and some of their male acquaintances. Min Ki would always be behind her back every time she got on the dance floor.

Mr. Ash Guerrero took also the opportunity to dance with her a dance or two, making sure to emphasize that their company's donation was one of the biggest if not THE biggest among all donations. He would also be directly involved with overseeing the community project once it is finally launched this March. Of course, Maya had to be politely friendly with the man although she felt he was trying to encroach on her personal space. Min Ki went to her rescue when the man seemed to have no intention of letting her rest after their second dance.

When they could finally get away from the rowdy company who were more tipsy now than earlier since it was already going towards midnight, Maya took Min Ki to her office to get Min Ki's gift she forgot to give the boy during lunch. She had scheduled a four-day reprieve after tonight but she might have to reschedule that or at least three days of that to the last week of the month so she could claim her vacation package to Baguio City.

"Is Dominic coming to fetch you home?" Min Ki asked as they walked towards her office.

"Nope! I asked his permission to sleep over at Mina's. Min Ki is still awake waiting for me there now," Maya replied as if she was talking to a person other than Min Ki himself.

"Oh, right! I am getting that information now," Min Ki smiled, his head tipped to the side as if recalling a forgotten memory.

"I guess, we had to walk over there. It's a bit difficult to catch a tricycle cruising the streets this late. You were supposed to fetch me with your bike tonight but there is a change of plan because you can't be near each other, right," Maya stated, finally opening the door to her office.

"Is there a CCTV here," Min Ki suddenly asked when he followed her inside, closing the door behind him with a click of the lock.

"No, not in here. There is one at the hallway," Maya replied, walking quickly towards her table to pick up her wrapped package for Min Ki's birthday. She was surprised when a hand went to grab the package and placed it back on the table before she was gently turned into Min Ki's perfumed embrace.

Maya did not have time to quickly grasp the situation or avoid the man, when he swooped down to capture her lips in a dizzying frenzy of kisses which left both of them breathless after quite some time. Blame it on the several glasses of mixed drinks she guzzled all night, she found Min Ki's kisses more intoxicating and broiling hot.

Min Ki pushed down the thin straps of Maya's cocktail dress off her shoulders and carried her to the sofa set along the wall of her office. Her dress was quickly pushed down her waist, her lacy strapless bra was off her in seconds to be placed on the table next to the sofa.

Min Ki continued to subject Maya to searing kisses, her wine-befogged mind could not avoid or not help responding to. She was more actively participating in this than that first time she had with Min Ki. She had fought with taking his tuxedo off him which she found annoyingly fit his body it was difficult to take it off him quickly. Min Ki knew Maya must be tipsy but he would rather take this chance now to have another few stolen moments with the love of his life.

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