Freakish Destiny

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Min Ki smirked. "Thank you very much! And you are still as beautiful as you are twenty years ago," Min Ki laughingly replied.

Maya laughed, slapping his naked chest. "But, of course, I still am the same forty-seven-year-old woman you knew then. That reminds me, what would happen if, for example, the fifteen-year-old you and the present you meet with each other?" Maya inquired.

"Both of us cannot be in close proximity with each other. The magnetic field between our bodies would merge and probably one of us would disappear," Min Ki honestly answered.

"What??? Then if you are here now, where could the young Min Ki stay? Did you know about that fact fifteen years ago?" Maya was greatly alarmed, sitting up, totally forgetting she was nude.

"Yes, I was aware of the danger when I made the decision to visit you. I could just wish to go back if the sixty seven years old you could not remember me," Min Ki replied, completely enjoying the view.

"Are you telling me that you know what the fifteen-year-old you is experiencing or undergoing right now?" Maya digged.

"As he currently undergoes whatever it is, it is being recorded in my memory as part of my past. But what will happen tomorrow, I could not recall it as it was not yet part of the memory of my fifteen-year-old self," Min Ki clarified.

"Wait, if that is the case, my sixty-seven-year-old self already knew I am here with you? Whatever happens here now will be etched as part of my older version's memory?" Maya further clarified.

"Yes!" Min Ki confirmed.

Will this be an embarrassing memory or a memory I will treasure? Maya could not truly answer herself. She just then remembered her compromising situation and dove back under the blanket. She did not have a choice but stay naked since she needed to go back to her own time the way she left it.

"Are you just fine living with the older me. I mean the fifteen-year-old you," Maya inquired.

Min Ki nodded. "He is very happy to be with you helping you around the house since your own kids and nephews have their own families now and living far from you. They only visit you occasionally. Right now, there are only the three of you in the house," Min Ki revealed.

Maya looked faraway for a moment, then, gave Min Ki a sad smile. "Well, I guess, we can never expect our grownup children to stay with us forever."

"That is mainly the reason why I am staying longer. I mean the fifteen-year-old me. But he needs to go back before the New Year's Eve celebration as promised. I will then visit the older you later, once he goes back," Min Ki relayed.

"I am planning of staying here for good," Min Ki continued. "There is no use of staying far away. I could not move on, no matter what you will say on the matter. I tried to look for love elsewhere, but I could neither forget you nor forsake our memories together," Min Ki declared, holding Maya's face between his warm large hands.

Tears flowed from Maya's eyes freely, seeing Min Ki's sincerity. Min Ki kissed each teardrop away before finally capturing her trembling lips in a searing, love-filled kiss.

What a twist of fate is this?
Why did Min Ki had to fall in love with an older woman like me at such a young age? His future happiness was totally obliterated, Maya thought sadly.

An idea suddenly occurred to Min Ki. His younger self just thought of something that might change everything between his and Maya's life. It might be a dangerous feat but his younger self was determined to make it happen. His happiness together with the woman of his dreams and life totally depended on such an undertaking.

As the plan began to form on the younger Min Ki's mind, the older Min Ki found the plan plausible as well. He looked at the woman who had become the center of his life twenty years ago until now as she began to fidget in his embrace. She had a sad look in her eyes and something like regret?

Min Ki immediately tipped Maya's head up towards him. "Never ever regret what is between us. I, for one, treasure each moment we have together whether on real time or during the time travel. My life is never wasted because I have you even if you are not with me and even if you are not totally mine." Yet, Min Ki added to himself.

Maya merely gave Min Ki a small smile before she laid a soft hand gently on his cheek before she disappeared before his eyes. Min Ki gritted his teeth. Despite this phenomenon happening twice now, the pain of seeing her gone from his bed and most likely back in her husband's arms still hurt.

Min Ki knew he could only steal as much time as Maya would allow herself to think of him and wish to be with him at any period of time, but how he wished he could have her as often as possible. The younger Min Ki must put his plan into action at once for their own happiness and safety.

Maya could not stay any longer with Min Ki without breaking her resolve not to make out or place herself in a more compromising position. Placing a hand on Min Ki's face, she wished to return to the time she just began to dose while Dominic gave her a massage.

She came to her senses with a start. The feeling was like you were jolted awake when the vehicle you were riding on suddenly stopped.

"What? Just came back from a bad dream?" Dominic probed.

"Uh, not really," Maya avoided from answering directly. "Actually, I don't remember dreaming," she denied.

"Hmm, it must be something sad. You have tears streaming down your face," Dominic noted, wiping Maya's cheeks with the edge of the robe she was lying on.

"Huh?" Maya asked in surprise, touching her face. "What could it have been?" Maya asked, not looking directly at Dominic as if trying to remember but actually feeling guilty for time traveling and meeting the thirty-five-year-old Min Ki.

"Must be just from being too tired. You put back the robe on and get a proper sleep," Dominic said, helping her to dress back into her robe.

Maya laid back down, turning on her left side, facing the wall. Thinking back to her time travel to twenty years forward, she could not help from feeling sad again and from thinking how pitiful Min Ki seemed to be in his loyalty to her and their freakish destiny.

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