Beautiful Interlude

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Days went by so fast. Summer was fast approaching. The community project Maya's company had planned this year had been started last March and it was more than a month since then. It had been a busy month for Maya who rarely had the time to take her lunch at Mina's during this period. They still met on weekends though.

On one of these weekends, Mina excitedly divulged to Maya that Ki Young had contacted her and things had been slowly patched up between the two of them. So, when Mina told her the news, it did not came as a surprise anymore but hearing from her best friend her sudden decision to go back to Korea next month fell like a bomb, its sound resonating loudly within Maya's head.

"Does Min Ki know about that?" Maya asked in a neutral tone. This past month Maya had been very careful with her dealing with the boy. In the few days she had been around since his birthday, she tried hard avoiding being alone with him. She saw Min Ki giving her frustrated looks whenever he was able to corner her but still not get her to relax around him. She would quickly slip away and look for Mina.

"Actually, I don't know yet how to broach the subject with him. Having you around would give me the confidence to tell him later during lunch. He knows his father and I are finally talking again but do you think he would agree that it is time for us to go back?" Mina confided.

"Go back? To Korea, Umma? When?" Min Ki's voice suddenly came from behind them. Maya and Mina were out in the garden thinking Min Ki was still busy preparing lunch since he made it a habit to cook their food on weekends when Maya come visiting.

"Ahh, Min Ki, you walked soundlessly! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Mina was taken aback.

"Ahh...well you know, your Appa and I have been chatting frequently lately. He wanted us to go back and I also think it's been a long time since we have been gone. Things have been going well with his business again and he missed us. Your grandma and grandpa missed you, too," Mina knew she was beating around the bush, but she felt unsure about Min Ki's reaction to her decision.

"So, when are you planning to go back?" Min Ki asked calmly, though his eyes were more focused on Maya's pale face now.

"Two weeks from now. A day after your Tita Maya's birthday," Mina replied haltingly. Min Ki's face paled and his eyes began to brim with unshed tears. He looked at his mom reproachfully before walking rapidly back into the house.

"Oh, my goodness! It must have shocked him to know we are leaving so soon," Mina gasped, standing up to follow her son. Maya stopped Mina. Mina looked back at her in surprise.

Maya slowly pulled her hand back, surprised at her own action as well. She cleared her throat. "Will you let me talk to him about it?" Maya finally got out.

Mina nodded her head in understanding. She could only guess at how shocking the news might have been for Min Ki who had finally gotten used to his life here in the province. He had began to make friends with his cousins in the area, going out with them during the days Maya could not come because of work. Most of all, he had obviously gotten used to Maya's presence, even if Maya had been so busy to be always with them, every weekend she was able to visit was the highlight of each week for Min Ki who always looked excited and happy to cook for Maya's lunch at the house.

Mina let Maya leave her at the garden to answer a video call from Ki Young. She saw her friend calmly walked into the house to look for Min Ki.

Maya knocked softly on Min Ki's door and turned the knob slowly when she heard no response from within. The knob twisted so she let herself into his room. Min Ki was slumped on the side of the bed, sitting on the carpeted floor, looking distracted.

Maya called out to him softly but he did not look at her. She sat beside him and waited for him to acknowledge her presence. They sat without talking for a very long time.

Min Ki slowly turned to look at Maya and Maya looked at him, too, still silent. Silent tears began to fall down Min Ki's cheeks. Maya put out her hands to wipe them away. "It's okay! Everything is going to be okay!" She whispered.

"No, it's not going to be okay. I will not be okay," Min Ki protested.

Maya smiled understandingly. "You were just caught by surprise by your mom's sudden decision but once you have the time to think it over, you will understand why she had decided to go back. It is for the best. In the end, that is what's best for all of you."

"But I will be too far from you," Min Ki protested.

"We could video-chat every night after you had done your homework. You could come for a vacation when you are free. You also have a magical tea. So seeing me or visiting me is not impossible," Maya argued.

"It is still different. Seeing you in person would be far in between. You will get used to not seeing me in person and will gradually just forget about me," Min Ki stated, pouting like the boy he was.

Maya sighed. That possibility could go both ways. It probably would be best in their situation though. A separation and absence could either make hearts grow fonder or make Min Ki realize the futility of his infatuation and make him gradually forget about it.

Maya held Min Ki's hand in hers and squeezed it. "Everything that happens has a reason, Min Ki. It's time for your family to get back together and for you to have a normal life back in Korea. It's where your home really is," Maya said softly.

"It is said, wherever your heart is, that will be home. I am leaving my heart here, so, I promise to come back home again," Min Ki promised looking at her eyes directly, declaring his feelings with sincerity.

Maya merely smiled sadly at the boy, knowing better how things stand between them no matter how deluded the boy was in her own mind. In a few years, he would realize the impossibility of his feelings. Whatever they had experienced together was only a beautiful interlude.

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