Chp 3

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A/N I have a lot of spare time lately so I have a few more chapters for today, I hope everyone likes them!

Estrella's POV
I winced slightly at a pain in my neck and hesitantly sniffed the air. Honey and..... Oreo's? From what I could tell I was in a very nice bed and there was only one person -a male- in the room with me.
My eyes shot open and I examined the room and the boy with wide, terrified eyes.

Where am I?!

Akira replied excitedly as the boy rushed to my side and took my hand.
I pulled away quickly, studying the boy in front of me with strawberry blond hair, sparkly brown eyes the flashed with hurt as I pulled away and dimples the dotted his cheeks.
"Where.......?" I managed to croak, coughing.

How long was I out?!

I tried to mind-link anyone from my pack but just came up empty handed, everyone was busy or I was just too weak.
"Um only a few hours I think, I don't know when you arrived in the backyard though." The boy answered awkwardly, stepping back to give me space.
I frowned. That explained all the people, I was in Nightclaw territory now, with my /mate/.
"Are you hungry?"
I just shook my head, the less contact I had with him the better. I needed to get home, at least there I won't have to deal with this over excited pup.

Be nice to mate!

Akira growled inside my head and I blocked her out, I didn't need even more of a headache. My mate frowned softly at me, making my gut twist.

Stupid soulmate bond

He shot me a look and left, the meaning was clear, he wanted me to stay here like a good little mate so he could become alpha and I'd be his Luna. I hated the thought, if he wanted me to obey him he's got another thing coming.

Despite my earlier thoughts, I could barely move my limbs, there was no way I was going to stand, which meant I'd be stuck here with my mate until A whatever was in the dart passes or B my parents come for me. I wasn't sure which one I wanted more......

My supposed mate walked in with a tray that smelled amazing. There were three pancakes in a stack, eggs, bacon and toast a cup of OJ and obviously utensils and napkins.
I blinked at it in shock as he set the tray gently on my lap.
"You should eat." He insisted, giving me a small smile, instead of returning it I frowned but ate all of the food, the sprint last night had completely worn me out, I was starving. I guess something about me scarfing it down was funny because he chuckled to himself and removed the tray when I finished.
"I'm Preston, can you tell me what happened last night and why you were in our backyard?"
I shot him a withering glare, mate or not didn't he understand that usually when someone wakes up from being unconscious they don't remember everything correctly?
I shrugged. "I don't remember much right now."
'Preston' sighed but nodded and left me alone to rest.

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