Chp 7

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It's been weeks since we visited Estrella's pack, we've kept in touch and she agreed to giving me a chance, as long as I didn't push it. She told me her fears of not being able to do stuff how she has or being forced to do stuff she didn't want to and I'd promised to be fair and ask her opinion.
We spent our days cooking, riding, walking, playing board games -I always lost, I have no idea why- and watching movies.

Today I took Estrella on a surprise walk to the lake she liked to spend time at with her family when she was younger and she kept badgering me about where we were going.
"C'mon please you have to tell me!" She begged again, whining when I shook my head.
"It's a /surprise/ Es, I can't tell you."
"Ugggghhhhhh you're killing me here!"
"That's weird."
"You look perfectly alive to me." I smirked and she sighed.
"You, Preston Nightclaw, are hopeless."
I chuckled and covered her eyes. "What in the world are you doing?"
"Covering your eyes so you don't see where we're going from here."
She sighed and I could tell she rolled her eyes but continued on walking in front of me, allowing me to guide her to the lake.

As soon as we got there I pulled my hands away and watched as she gasped, eyes sparkling.
"I haven't been here in so long!" She exclaimed ecstatically.
"That's why I thought you'd like this surprise trip," I wrung my fingers together nervously. "Do you...?"
"Oh Preston I love it, thank you." I smiled and followed behind her as she led the way closer, sitting on the soft ground of the shore before sliding out of her shoes and socks and putting her feet in the water.
I was about to do the same with something snapped a twig and then I felt like Fire had invaded my body, burning everything in its path. I cried out and crumbled to the ground, barely awake to see a panicked Estrella toss something away and shake me lightly. Her lips moved but I couldn't hear anything and in a moment she flinched and fell beside me, I growled weakly as she whimpered but all to soon sleep over took me and I passed out.


When I woke up my ankles bound in silver chains the burned my skin and were connected to the floor, a silver muzzle was strapped onto my face as well as my wrists being chained together in front of me, I had virtually nowhere to go, but in that moment I couldn't think of anywhere I'd needed to be.
And then it all came rushing back. The lake, the pain, Estrella's tear stained cheeks as she begged me to get up before she fell down beside me. I snarled into the muzzle and tried snapping the chains, though it did nothing but burn my skin, I had to make sure Estrella was ok.

Doran?! Doran are you there!?

My wolf didn't reply and I grew worried, it wasn't like him to not reply, this was definitely no dream. After a few minutes of my fussing a man with greying black hair and furious dark blue eyes walked over and snatched the muzzle, twisting my neck at an odd angle and making me choke.
I coughed and hacked and squirmed but the man held my neck there until I started seeing black spots dance across my vision and he released me. I sucked in deep, grateful breaths of air while he grabbed a silver knife from a table I hadn't noticed before.
"Alpha's are such pests, especially the males. Their mates are useful though, on occasion."
I growled deeply, ready to murder this man if he laid even a finger on my mate.
"Ah ah ah, I wouldn't do that if I were you." Suddenly a knife was buried in my ankle, just above the chains and I yelped, flinching.

Why can't this be a dream......

The man had made it clear that if I'd made a sound or any kind of refusal to what he said both myself and Estrella would get hurt, and I couldn't let that happen.
I growled in pain with every move I made and prepared myself for more as I heard the door open. The moment he entered the room I could smell my mate. The man dragged her in by her hair, other than a couple cuts and bruises -and weightloss- she seemed to be ok, I sighed softly into the muzzle for the momentary relief.
"It's time we give this a try." The man threw Estrella to the floor, making her yelp, and put cuffs on her ankles, although that didn't stop her from crawling over to me and studying my wounds with a worried frown.
"It's going to be ok." She whispered softly, gently setting a hand on my cheek. I sighed again and leaned into her touch, gosh I missed her.
"Enough!" Suddenly Estrella scrambled back with a pained yelp and I noticed a knife buried in her arm. I growled.

After cutting up my beautiful mates skin to the point where she could barely move and my voice was cracking from growling and snarling, the man brought over a small 5 gallon trough of water.
"You look thirsty." He commented as he brought it closer to me.
I snarled hoarsely and tried scooting back, my body aching. He ignored my protests though and finally stopped right in front of me. He took the muzzle off my face and snatched my hair.
"Don't worry, hopefully it'll be quick."
Within the blink of an eye my face was in the water and I coughed, quickly choking since I wasn't prepared. After about a minute I was pulled free of the water and immediately broke into a coughing fit, choking as water seemed all to happy to leave my body.

We went through this process so many times I ended up passing out, whether I'd died or not I wasn't sure, at least until I felt pain flood my very being.
"You're hurting him even more." Someone growled. I tried to open my eyes but everything ached, after a bit I managed to peek at my surroundings.
"Sorry." Someone else mumbled. The first thing I noticed was Estrella, my beautiful girl. Her eyes were red from crying and she was completely exhausted. She was clenching my hand in hers while the other person -a doctor I presumed- kept poking around my wounds and wrapping them up, all too soon I was too tired to stay awake and fell back into unconsciousness.

A/N don't hate me for the cliffhanger, or for hurting lil bean Preston lol. This is all part of my plan I promise.

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