Packs info

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This is just so you guys can understand some of what's going on, one of the things I have different from the werewolf stories is no matter what emotion my character have, their eyes will flicker between their normal color and their pack color and sometimes they'll glow their pack color. Another thing is when they shift their clothes don't shred, they somehow stay intact without bothering them, so when they shift back they're fully clothed.

Here are some of the packs and the colors their eyes will flicker

Bloodfang: midnight blue
Extra info: I created this pack for my other story The Lost Wolf, so any characters from this pack are completely my own

Thief: blood red
Extra info: I made this pack around the same time I made the Bloodfang pack, it's also mentioned in The Lost Wolf, the pack members are completely my creation

Nightsong: golden
Extra info: my bff WolfieGalactic created this pack for her character Hawke Nightsong which completely belongs to her, I'm including this pack because Hawke will be mentioned in this story eventually, you can find a backstory for him on WolfieGalactic's page, the story is called Alone In Spirit (just saying guys it's a great story I love it)

Deltariver: sandy yellow
Extra info: this is Estrella's birthpack, I don't have a lot on them mainly because I just recently created the pack

Nightclaw: dark blue
Extra info: Preston's birthpack, any other info currently is the same as Estrella's pack

Redwings: rose red, a little brighter when they just glow
Extra info: this pack was created by my bff, WolfieGalactic, I do have a few characters I created and placed in the pack, but the creation of the pack goes to my friend. This pack is mentioned mainly because Hawke has an adopted sister named Akari from this pack and she's also going to be mentioned

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