Chp 12

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We silently agreed to not sleep in the same bed that night, Preston was still angry and he wasn't sure if he could refrain from marking me while I slept. He slept on an uncomfortable looking chair while I got the bed, although I couldn't sleep, and not just because my mate was upset with me.

I was honestly nervous to go to the Bloodfang pack, i don't usually meet other packs, even living as the alpha's daughter, my dad never wanted me to see how violent things could get.
I stayed up almost all night trying to figure out how I would react but....... Nothing could've prepared me for what was actually going to happen.


A week later Preston led the way through the woods, both of us in comfortable jeans and tshirts for the journey as we headed for Bloodfang territory.

What if the alpha is hostile.....? Psh no way would Jack come from a pack with a hostile alpha, I don't see why I'm so worried about this

I sighed heavily and leaned on Preston a little when a familiar chuckle brought me out of my thoughts.

"Weren't even mates when I left, did you guys already kiss and make out? Maybe have some fun?" Jack smirked and I growled.
"Don't you dare accuse me of that!"
A young woman with blonde hair and warm brown eyes smacked Jack lightly on the shoulder.

"I am Alpha Isla Bloodfang, you've already met my brother -and Beta- Jack and this is my soulmate/bodyguard, Jael."
She gestured to a man probably a year or so older than her with fiery red hair and sparkly green eyes.

"I'm alpha Preston Nightclaw and this is my Soulmate Estrella Deltariver." Preston introduced, giving the alpha a nod of respect.

She nodded as well and Jack snickered something else about me having sex with Preston and I lost it.
"You better hope you can run fast enough or else I'll castrate your rear end before you can reproduce knuckle head."I spat, charging for him with a snarl.
He squeaked and bolted, shouting "SHE THREATENED TO CASTRATE ME AKARI HELP!"

I stomped over to a small group of people, a young woman with chestnut brown hair and brown eyes leaning on a man with black hair and sea green eyes, a woman with white hair and golden eyes and then of course, Jack.

"Help me." Jack squeaked quietly before an arm wrapped around my waist and held me away from him. I growled.

"Relax Es, it's not the end of the world." Preston mumbled into my ear, trying to calm me down.
"He dare accuse us of that- WE'RE NOT EVEN MARKED!"
"Calm down please, we're not here to kill their beta."
"Not yet anyway." I squinted at Jack, who was using the white haired woman as a body shield.

"Touch him I dare you." She said, glaring at me as literal fire flickered around her, as if it's tempted to suddenly burst and consume the pack grounds and begging for one more reason.
"Sorry about her." The man said, pulling the woman away and whispering something to her. I'm not sure exactly what he said, but I think it angered her even more seeing as how she growled lowly.

"Meh, I live with worse." Preston commented. I gasped, offended.
"I am not worse!"
"I meant my sister."
"Oh....... Ok then."
"Anywayyyyy, I'm alpha Preston, this is my soulmate Estrella." He introduced.

"I'm Hawke." The man said, offering Preston a hand to shake.

Wait wait wait, /the/ alpha Hawke Nightsong?! The last Nightsong alive!?

I snatched his hand up before Preston could.

"Hawke Nightsong? Like /the/ Hawke Nightsong?! That's awesome!!!!" I was practically squealing with excitement, although I don't think the woman beside Hawke was very happy, she growled softly as soon as I touched Hawke.

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