Chapter 13

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The last few minutes had been nothing short of crazy and life changing, yet everything in his room was still exactly how it was before they'd kissed. No one was running away out of fear, they weren't arguing or making silly excuses and saying it meant nothing. No. No, they were just content. They were the same Stan and Kyle they'd always been, just this time, they were finally on the exact same page, hand in hand and notes playing the same tune.

Stan turned toward Kyle, trying to gauge his reaction and to mainly see if he was okay, because while he was the happiest he'd ever been, he was also overheating and slightly losing his mind. Kyle looked up at him, smiling gently, and when he did that, Stan's heart finally felt like it was beating normally again.

We're okay. Stan couldn't help but giggle, and he leaned back on the bed, so deliriously happy. "Wanna watch some more Chinpokomon?" He heard Kyle ask above him, and Stan laughed again, hand trailing the bedsheets until finding his.

"Yeah, I'd love to."

He sat up and shuffled back until he was leaning against the headboard, feeling giddy when the other boy nestled his way under his arm, his heart rate picking up.

Kyle wanted to cuddle.

He smiled, wrapping his arm around Kyle's waist, pressing a light kiss to the top of his head and rested his cheek down on top of it, their Chinpokomon marathon seeming to continue without any issues. Definitely different from last time.

A little while passed before either boy said anything, one of them occasionally speaking up when something interesting happened on the TV. So all in all, everything was normal.

But Stan had to wonder—was Kyle thinking about their kiss too? For the last 20 minutes it was all he could think about, every single detail replaying over and over in his head from how Kyle's lips felt and tasted against his own, how right it felt to hold him in his arms and how much he desperately wanted to do it again.

Just as he looked down at Kyle the other boy lifted his head to do the same. Stan's breath caught in his throat for a moment, the breathtaking green of Kyle's eyes momentarily transporting him to another world, lost in them. He cleared his throat, smiling sheepishly, getting one back until Kyle spoke.

"I can't believe we just had our first real kiss with no problems." He giggled, snuggling his head down in the crook of Stan's shoulder, his neck turning an endearing shade of red. Stan laughed, stroking back a stray curl from Kyle's neck, feeling the other boy shiver at his touch and lift his head up, their eyes meeting again. He didn't hesitate as he spoke,

"Wanna try it again?" He asked softly—so softly that it was almost a whisper, and the blush on Kyle's neck rose and bloomed throughout his entire face before he smiled, leaning forward instinctually.

"Yeah." He whispered, leaning up, Stan meeting him halfway. Their lips met with much more certainty than last time, both of them instantly melting into it, the TV quickly being forgotten as Stan lightly nudged Kyle down into a laying position. When they pulled apart he was once again taken aback by the electric green of Kyle's eyes, flushing slightly before reconnecting their mouths.

He felt the corners of Kyle's lips curl into a smile, his heart fluttering at the feeling. He stroked Kyle's cheek with his thumb, the other boy sighing in contentment and pulling him even closer, the hand on his neck tightening.

"I like you." He felt and heard Kyle say against his lips, his heart thumping in his chest at the sudden confession. He pulled his head up to get a good look at him and what he saw was—breathtaking. Kyle's hair was slightly messy, his curls array, his cheeks were a delicious shade of crimson and his lips—god his lips—they were slightly swollen and red from being kissed—by him, and even more inviting than before.

His heart leaped as he smiled, all the love and affection for him bursting to the brink. He kept stroking his cheek and leaned down, whispering, "I like you too."

No words were needed after that.

They kissed again, totally getting lost in each other and finally feeling like everything was in the right place. They'd both finally—finally told each other how they felt, and that weight being lifted from their shoulders was one of the best feelings they'd ever had.

Every time they pulled back for air Stan got a guilty peek at the boy beneath him, just to make sure this wasn't a product of his imagination, and every time he was greeted by the beautiful face of the person he was falling in love with, his stomach fluttering at the sight.

Kyle's whole body tingled, the feeling of Stan's hands on his waist burning everywhere he touched, his familiar scent filling all of his senses and melting his insides. He pulled him back down to his lips, Stan letting out a breathless laugh as he did and kissed him with all the love he could give and more.

It didn't take long before Stan was pressing his tongue against the seam of Kyle's mouth again, the other boy smiling slightly as he opened his mouth welcomingly, more than happy to get back into it. Kyle laughed giddily, causing Stan to pull back slightly, grinning down at his companion.

"What?" He said softly, chuckling slightly.

Kyle shook his head, still giggling a little. "Nothing, nothing. I'm just—I'm really happy." He said breathlessly, looking up at him with half lidded eyes and a carefree smile.

Stan's whole body warmed, his heart blossoming as he smiled, "Me too." He whispered back, gently kissing Kyle on the forehead and stroking his cheek.

They smiled at one another before meeting each other halfway again, pressing gentle, loving kisses to each other's mouths until a car honking outside caused them both to jump, their foreheads banging together.

"Oh Jesus." Stan said, lightly putting a hand on his forehead, opening his eyes to see Kyle doing much the same. They looked at each other, silence enveloping them before they both burst out into laughter, the situation so stupid that they couldn't help but lose it. They grinned at each other, their laughter dying down until it was just them again, the faint sound of the TV in the background the only other sound they could hear except for each other's soft breaths.

Their lips met again, and Kyle's heart did a somersault. The kiss was soft, like rain, yet it sent a shock through him like lightning. He pulled his best friend closer, running his fingers through his black, silky hair that he always wanted to touch and revelled in the feeling, his fingers tingling.

They stayed like that for a while, Stan smiling against his lips before blurting out,


Kyle burst out laughing, opening his eyes to meet those gorgeous blue ones he'd come to love and punched him lightly in the shoulder.

"Really? Imitating the car that scared the living shit out of us a few minutes ago?"

Stan just smiled. "HONK HONK!!!" he continued, peppering Kyle's face with kisses, making the other boy writhe and squeal beneath him,

"Stan!!!" He laughed hysterically, "quit it!"
his chest hurt from laughing so hard and after a few more seconds Stan finally pulled back, pressing one last purposeful kiss to Kyle's lips and smiling teasingly at him.

"You are such a dork!" He giggled, running his fingers through Stan's hair again. The noiret let out a laugh and rested his head down in the crook of Kyle's neck, letting everything else melt away.

"But I'm your dork, right?" Stan asked with a laugh, knowing the response he was going to get for asking such a cheesy question.

Kyle scrunched up his nose. "Dude that is so cliché..."

A few seconds of silence passed by before he pressed a kiss to his forehead and quietly said,

"But yes... you are."

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