Chapter 18

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Kyle was already waiting for him in the living room when Stan returned, and he almost jumped when his eyes rested on him sitting on the couch, no TV on, just waiting for him—it gave him parents that were just about to ground him vibes, and he covered his mouth to stop the laugh from coming out. "Hey," he smiled. "You okay?" He asked, to which Kyle only stood, approaching him.

"Are you?" He spun back on him, and Stan breathed a laugh.

"Actually, I'm more than okay," he gently grabbed Kyle's hand and pulled him back to the couch, sitting down on it. "I talked to your Mom."

Kyle's face visibly paled, and his hand tightened in his. "What did she say to you?"

"Nothing bad, I promise." He tried to reassure, rubbing his thumb on the back of his hand.

"Are you just saying that to protect my feelings?" Kyle said, suspicion high on his radar. "Because if you are, as much as I love and appreciate you, I'm gonna need you to tell me bluntly what happened."

Stan laughed again, resting back on the couch and closing his eyes, the pressure from earlier melting away. "I promise I'm not saying it to protect your feelings, Ky. I know it'll be hard to believe, but things went really well with your Mom," he opened his eyes and looked at him. "I think you should talk to her."

Kyle's eyes popped wide, and he jumped forward, grabbing Stan by the cheeks and pulling his face around, examining it. "Are you feeling okay? Blink ten times in a row if you're in danger." He practically word vomited, and Stan burst into laughter, prying his boyfriend's hands away and instead holding them in his.

"Ky, chill out!" He sputtered, moving forward to kiss his forehead. "I'm okay. I'd tell you every detail of our conversation but honestly? It's something you should hear from her," he admitted, "the words she wanted you to hear shouldn't be coming out of my mouth, and trust me, you're gonna wanna hear her say it all if you actually want to believe it."

Kyle huffed, pouting adorably. "Does she even want to talk?" He asked, leaning back into Stan who wrapped an arm around his shoulders, rubbing them comfortingly.

"She told me to tell you she wants to talk," he looked down at him, "and I told her I'd let her know what you say, after all, it's up to you if you even want to talk to her and when."

Kyle hummed. "And you think I should?" He finally looked up to meet his gaze, and Stan nodded, nothing but earnestness in his eyes.

"I really do," he moved his hand to stroke it through Kyle's curls, something that had always comforted the other boy ever since they were kids. "But it's not up to me, it's up to you and only you and whatever you decide, I've got your back."

Kyle suddenly laughed, burying his head in Stan's shoulder. "God you're so sweet it's sickening." He looked back up at him, pinching his cheeks between his fingers. "You're sickeningly sweet Stanley Marsh."

"Only for you, Kyle Broflovski." He whispered, bumping their noses together.


After much needed deliberation, Kyle decided he was going to talk to his Mother after all, the only condition being that Stan went with him and after their hangout with the gang. Stan happily agreed, and Kyle hesitantly texted his Mom to let her know he'd be home in a few hours to talk.

Kyle probably wouldn't have even considered talking to her if it weren't for Stan—it didn't seem like he was lying about how things went—and knowing Stan, he definitely wouldn't try and save face for his Mom of all people; maybe him, yes, but his Mom? No—Stan got frustrated by Kyle's Mom at the best of times, so all of a sudden lying for her wasn't something Kyle thought to be possible; that shit was only in movies for a reason.

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