Chapter 15

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Stan smiled to himself, walking over to the cupboard and grabbing two Pop Tarts and putting them in the toaster—his Mom and Shelly had extended their weekend away, so he had the house to himself again.

It was nice, and he liked being able to do as he pleased, but he'd also be lying if he said he didn't miss his Mom shouting him down for breakfast and his sister practically stomping about. Shelly was approaching her 21st, so she wasn't really living at home anymore, just visited frequently because the college was close by.

He missed them both, and it was funny how excited he was to tell Shelly about his and Kyle's conversation, minus a few details and end on the fact that they're now an item; dating? It still felt weird to think about, but not weird in a bad way, weird in the way of it's something he'd wanted for so long but genuinely thought he'd never have, so right now he was just in a little bubble of bliss.

He walked over to the fridge, grabbing a fresh carton of apple juice and pouring it in a tall glass. He had plans with the gang today, and if he remembered correctly, Tweek and Craig were also tagging along which was nice, he hadn't properly talked to them in a little bit, but he did remember at one particularly bad point and when no one would even approach him, Tweek actually did and asked him if he was okay, and that stuck with him and automatically made him see Tweek as one of his dearest friends.

Craig didn't really like hanging out with them, and Stan banked the fact that he was coming on Tweek probably asking him to, and while Craig never really showed his emotions, he loved Tweek and would do anything for him, that was clear to see, so if Tweek had asked him to come along, he most likely said yes despite knowing he hates hanging out with them.

The toaster made it's signature popping sound to let him know his food was ready, and once he'd put the glass of juice down on the table, he went over to get it out. He didn't know why his brain forgot something so straightforward, but it did, and he hissed in pain grabbing the Pop Tart from the toaster; fingers burning with pain. "Fucker," he whispered, gently nudging it onto a plate and preparing himself to grab the other one.

He knew he could've just waited for them to cool a little before grabbing them directly from the toaster, but he also didn't have that much patience, so he did the exact same thing, grabbing it quicker than lightning and practically throwing it on the plate. "There," he affirmed to himself, "easy."

He sat down to eat, looking down at his phone every so often as the groupchat he was in with the others chimed—whenever he was in groupchats, he didn't really talk in them but still watched the conversations happening. He never knew what to say or where to cut in where it would just be normal, so instead he just sat back and watched, only chiming in when absolutely necessary.

The small detail both Stan and Kyle missed off when making these plans with the others was that they're dating; none of them have a goddamn clue, because telling them over text felt weirdly unnatural, so they both supposed that they'd just find out when they're all hanging out today, whether it be when they're talking and it's just clear, or if they seem more affectionate than usual.

This was the first time Stan was seeing Kyle since they got together, so he didn't know exactly how they were going to be with each other given the fact that the last time they were in a group setting, they really were just friends. He wanted to go at a pace he knew Kyle would be comfortable, so holding his hand and being coupley was something he'd ask permission for, dating or not.

He watched as the messages flooded through, and rolled his eyes at the food debate going on. He put his phone down and continued to eat his breakfast, deciding that he didn't want to be involved in the argument about what they were going to eat while out—too much effort.

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