⋄ ⊱ ACT FOUR: Selfish Desires ⊰ ⋄

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content warning: this chapter contains graphic depictions of sexual interactions (18+)

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YEAR 853

The smell of the ocean is a pungent scent that stings your nostrils. The salt of the water is evident in the air, the waves crashing onto the sandy beach line and wooden docks only aiding to waft it in tendrils straight to shore.

As you see the ship coming into distance on the horizon, each crashing wave begins to feel exactly how your heart does; bursts of emotions and excitement exhilarating every nerve in your body.

To think, in just a few minutes you'll be reunited with Hange, it's almost too much for you to handle. You're sure that those awaiting at your side on the harbor can tell just how anxious you are; your feet constantly shifting your position, your hands nervously fixing your hair or otherwise flattening out any wrinkles the breeze sends into your dress.

Your mind returns to earlier this morning, forgetting to eat breakfast as you had second and third guessed your choice of clothing. But the one thing you made sure of, the one thing you knew you could never forget to bring with you, is the rose you keep steady in hand. Patiently waiting as the ship now docks at the end of the harbor.

The past three years have been nothing short of a surprise. Not only has your relationship with the Commander slowly blossomed into something much deeper than one night stands, your knowledge of the world around you had drastically bloomed alongside it.

The discovery of Marley and the plethora of other countries outside of the Walls was a shock. But it arose only one concern in you, a concern that made you question everything about yourself: Will Hange be safe?

Out of all of the thoughts you could have had learning of this news, the first one that came to mind was them. It was always them. Whether their next mission would land in success. Whether the Marleyan military would invade at any moment, sending Hange straight out of your life for good.

Even their recent mission to Liberio had kept you on the edge of your seat. No amount of reassurance from them the night before they left could aid you either. You knew it was a relatively safe objective - to infiltrate a world meeting undercover - but your mind had only flocked to the most morbid thoughts. The worst case scenarios. And even now as you watch the stairs of the ship take hold of the dock, groups of people too far away to place now exiting the large chunk of metal, you still fear that Hange's face may not appear.

You grip the rose stem carefully, trying to be mindful of its fragility, but it's hard when your fingers feel stiff. When your heart begins to pound in your chest as the first group of returning soldiers make their way to the shoreline of the harbor. But even from a distance, you can see their clear faces. Not a single one sporting a pair of lenses or the black eyepatch you had grown to adore.

CIRCLE (Hange Zoe x fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now