⋄ ⊱ ACT SEVEN: Beads Of Blood, Pools Of Time ⊰ ⋄

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authors note

hello my loves,

welcome to the last chapter of CIRCLE
i apologize for the long wait, my mental health hasn't been too great lately so thank you so so much for your patience and kind words, it means the world to me.

a small playlist for this chapter:

yellow is the color of her eyes - soccer mommy
all i wanted - paramore
circle - mitski
i guess - mitski

enjoy x

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content warning: this chapter contains graphic depictions of sexual interactions (18+)



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It had been an afternoon just like any other since Hange had left you in the night.

A day of idly watching the peoples in the street work away at clearing the demolished buildings, a day of pacing the floor of your shop back and fourth, and a day of nonstop worries, back to back attacks of panic.

As you prepare for lunch, you begin to wonder if this would become your new normal. Waiting until the day you heard of an update. Sleepless nights where you wonder exactly when Hange would return. A distracted mind that keeps you from performing simple tasks such as mincing garlic.

Bringing the knife in your hand up, you stop just before you delve into the clove on your counter; a flash of them dashing across your eyes.

It's hard not to overthink, not to allow your mind to wisp you away into the terrifying scenarios your imagination had presumed of their status. Only death, only mourning. Yet the words Hange had left you with bring you a strange comfort in these troublesome days.

'Until we meet again, Y/N.'

You dip the knife down, mincing the garlic you prepare as the softest hint of a smile graces your lips.

Hange had always kept their promises. No matter how many days, how many months it took. So if they had promised you a return, you carry on your chores with a certainty that this time would be no different than the rest.

This time, they'd walk through your door, that same smile on their face, that same soft chuckle exiting with their breath to which you'd collapse into their arms.

CIRCLE (Hange Zoe x fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now