⋄ ⊱ ACT SIX: Until We Meet Again ⊰ ⋄

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authors note

here is a mini playlist i recommend listening to during this chapter for ultimate feels:

cursive - billie martin
two slow dancers - mitski
dying is a beautiful thing to do - EASHA
rises the moon - liana flores

sorry in advance

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⋄ ⊱ DAY ONE ⊰ ⋄

Every time you had rode with Hange on horseback had been an exciting venture; whether the destination had been headquarters, the beach, or even the time they had taken you with them to pick up documents from the library.

Yet this ride is silent. It's rushed. And it's terrifying.

You begin to fear when the hooves of their steed would come to a stop, now wishing you hadn't slept through the night. Wishing more than anything that you had stayed awake with them until dawn broke.

But time is cruel - the universe sadistic. And as Hange brings you to a stop in front of your home, you brace yourself for the worst. You strap on your armor, desperate to keep that heart you had just welded back together safe. Though the sinking pit in your stomach brings a tremor to your hands as you unlock the front door.

You hold that bronze key of home between your fingers, trying to slip it into the lock, but your hand shakes with aggression. Your breaths tremble as if you had just ran the way to your front door.

Hange's touch is a stabilizer. Their palm meeting the back of your hand, careful as if to approach with caution.

"Let me." They say softly, their other hand meeting the small of your back.

Hange had proven themself to be capable of the most inconceivable things. In just a single night, they had led you on a path to clarity; a breaker of chains from the shackles of your engraved beliefs. They had shown you that it's okay to drown. To breathe in water that had once been suffocating. Yet now, even Hange can't alleviate your pain.

As they open the door, guiding you inside as your shoulders shake, even they can't calm your storm.

You stand still in complete disarray; a million and one things crossing through your mind, each ending with the fate of the person you had just allowed yourself to love. Although Hange tries their best, their efforts only worsen your turmoil, those heart dropping scenarios, that knife that had driven itself into your heart as Hange explained the current situation. And as they continue to stand before you, hands gently on the sides of your arms, lips asking if you're alright, you can't pull your thoughts away from those horrors.

CIRCLE (Hange Zoe x fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now