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Kaigaku's {Pov}

"I am telling you for the last time i don't know how i got here!!" i yell

"why did you even bother saving us!?" he yells back '...i have no answer... to this one..' i think to myself 'c'mon come up with something..!' i think to myself again.

"i-i- i thought it was a great idea to save someone!" 'oh fuck i shuttered..'

"You thought it will be a great idea!?" He asks me

"Yes! and if you do not like that you can just go out in the sun right now if you would like!" i yell back

his sister seems to be asleep for some reason.

"..." he stays silent "Thank..you.." he whispers

"...huh..?.." i ask him silently "well... no problem..."

we stay silent.

"do you know a breathing style?.." He breaks the silence

"yes..i trained thunder breathing when i was a human." i answer him

"okay..." he sits down. " im going to sleep do what you want." he says as he falls asleep

"..." i stay silent as i sit down next to him and fall asleep

after a few hours
its a night now

Gyutaro {Pov}

i woke up feeling something heavy on my shoulder.
i turn around and see this 'Kaigaku' sleeping on my shoulder.
'he looks cute like that...wait no what am i thinking? am i going insane?' i think to myself but still leave him sleeping there. I go back to sleeping.

i wake up once again. seeing that there is night outside. i stand up completely forgetting about Kaigaku.

"ow. what the hell!?" he says.

"what?" i ask him

"i fell to the ground! and hit my head." he answers me

"that's probably because you were sleeping on my shoulder." i say

"i was- WHAT!?" he says blushing.

"oh well at least i know that you skin is soft." i tease him

his face starts becoming pink


i go get my sister to wake up, only to find that she wasn't there.

'probably hunting some humans' i think to myself 'i will find her later afterall we are connected to each other' i think to myself once again

"hm.." i hear something turns out it was just Kaigaku

"what?" i ask him

"are you not going to look for our sister?" he asks me

"no. We are connected to each other. I will know if shes in danger." i explain to him

"alright." he says not understanding a thing , probably.

"did you understand anything?." i ask him.

"no-" he answers "but dont explain it to me." he adds

"..." i stay silent until he talks again

"why are you so skinny?." he asks again

"thats something personal ur asking. And im not saying" i answer his 'question'

we stayed silent for almost the full night untol he spoke up

"why didn't you move me when i was sleeping on my shoulder?" he asks me

"i don't know didn't want to disturb your sleep?" i answer him

"oh..well it wasn't uncomfortable, could we perhaps do it another time?.." he asks me slowly..

"n- maybe... but isn't it something that lovers do..?"

"maybe. if you want to we can become lovers." he teases me which surprisingly worked and got my face red

"no..! i do not want to." i say

"whatever. So whats your answer?" he asks me

"fine..its not like it hurts."

"lets go somewhere.. until the sun rises." i say to him

"aren't you gonna wait for your sister?" he asks me

"no as i already said we are connected." i answer him

"oh well as you wish. Where should we go?" he asks me

"anything is fine."

"oh well there may be a forest somewhere near."

"then we are going"

and we started walking

-Who the hell are you!?- KaiGyu story! DO NOT READ THIS PLEASEWhere stories live. Discover now