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Kaigaku {Pov}

we stayed quiet for a while. Until i said something.



"is you sister coming back..? "

"probably not. Shes safe. Stop asking me about my sister." he said..was he jealous..?...

"Are you jealous?" i ask

"What!? No! Why the hell would i be?" he answers

"you sounded like you were." i said silently

"well maybe i did. But it doesn't mean im jealous!" he murmured something.

...we stayed silent once again...


"if your from the future? What is in the future?" he asks me

"oh. Oh..well not too much stuff.. Just dying and things.." i answer

"..." he stays silent

"What the hell do you mean?.."

"there isnt much deaths.." ... "but they die."

"oh." he says "well..i dont say..thanks a lot...but well.. Thank you. For saving me and my sister back there.." he says

"Now..i wouldn't have died in there but you see..i would have died from the sun..so thank you." he adds

"No..Problem..?.." i ask?

we stay silent. 

    Some time later

"Your not from this timeline right?" he asks

"uhh..yes?" i ask-say

"then you should make a list or something. I dont think your going to be here forever or you could try and figure out how you got here?hmm..?" he explains his plan

"well..perhaps its worth a try." i say

"so what are you doing? A list ?" he asks me

"what..?..No! im trying to figure out how i got here. If your bored or something you could help if you dont want to help go hunt some humans or something." i say

"im gonna help you a little bit..Then i will go hunt some humans im still an uppermoon." he says

"oh. Right..okay" i say

"could you give me a book or something i could write in..?" i ask him

"I dont have any..we could grab some from human's villages if you would like to." he say, asks

"okay let's go then. I dont have all night." i say


he hands me some random book that we found. So i could write in.

"Something i could write with?" i ask him

"Yes. There is this new thing that humans made, i think the nickname for this thing is a pen i will give you 2 of them.." he says " if you need any help just ask me." he adds

"Yes, yes So what year is it?" i ask

"i think its 1913, i don't know." he answers

"then im going with 1913." i say and start writing  


I do not belong in this timeline.
And i do not know what the hell am i doing here.

So im trying to find it out by writing in this book.

Information about myself or people/demons i know.


Name: Kaigaku
Age: i lost the track.
Like: colour blue, myself
Hate: Zenitsu
Fear: Being weak.


Name: Gyutarooo----

i end the sentence by ruining the word i was just writing.

"Ugh..this is boring and annoying!" i say
Gyutaro looks to me and says
"maybe you should nap or something its not your timeline may aswell take a break. Hm.. what do you say?"

"oh.well its okay, i think.. Just wake me up if i fall asleep on you." i say and fall asleep

and as a lot of you have guessed i end up sleeping on him.

Hello! Author here so i dont have a lot of ideas. So if you do have some it would be wonderful for you to share them with me!(i will probably use 'em)

also im sorry for this being so short! Hope you enjoyed it tho

-Who the hell are you!?- KaiGyu story! DO NOT READ THIS PLEASEWhere stories live. Discover now