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Gyutaro {Pov}

as he said there was a forest, to get there you had to walk about 2 hours.

The walk was long and boring none of us tild a word , we were just silent all the time.

i dont know why we were going to the forest because when we go there it got really boring.
After some time i asked him how he got here once again and as he always did he answered the same thing

''i don't know.''

how was i supposed to know if he didn't just use some other demon art and got teleported here? i don't know but somehow i believed almost everything he said.

and i gotta say he wasn't bad looking.
i was jealous of him. And i will kill him. Just you wait 'Kaigaku'.
and then he asked

"Hey...uhh..you had a bad backstory didn't you?.." he says

"what...? every demon has a bad backstory i don't understand..?" i ask him almost the same question

"no thats not what i meant at all. You care about your sister a lot. That means your own mother did not love you or you got abused. No sibling bound is that good as yours." Kaigaku explains his 'theory'.

as much i want to deny it, all he said was right. I remember that my mother did not love me. And i couldn't change that. I was disgusting after all, my sister was perfect.

"i don't remember my backstory that well. So i can tell you only things i remember. But you gotta tell your own backstory. And you and me know that this is not happening." i said to him

"and what if i told you my backstory later after you told yours? how do you think of that?" Kaigaku asks me

"..i..err...fine. i hope your not lying." i say to him.
And why do i trust him? what the hell is wrong with me!?..i can't undo the choice now can i?

we sit down on a rock and i start saying things i remember from...my.. backstory...

his expressions change after we get deeper into it

and after im done, he hugs me. I don't know why i hugged him back, it was nice


I never hugged anyone or been this warm
we were hugging each other for 4 minutes now. He didn't let go, and i did not let go, until i finally let go of him.

he was embarrassed you could see the pinkish-red blush on his face. I didn't think about it too much.

"i-uhh why did you hug me?" i ask him

"it seemed that you needed a hug. I hope it wasn't bad..i didn't hug a person for a while..." he answers me

"okay...you were right about the hug.. i haven't..-" i slap my hand to my mouth so i wouldn't say anything else.
What the hell is going on!? why am i saying my problems to this demon i met a day ago!?

he takes my hand of my mouth.

i could feel my face becoming warmer.

"i know that you didn't hug anyone..dont be embarrassed of such thing."
he says which makes my face even more warmer. But why? why was it becoming more warmer than it already was?

".. whatever..tell me your own backstory." i say to him

"fine." he says and why was he trusting him?

he starts talking.

i expected his backstory to be a little badder than mine but it wasn't and im not changing that as you can tell.

his backstory wasn't the best.
He was selfish when he was a human,
and didn't pick the best decisions.

i wanted to hug him after he was done buti refused it. I couldn't let that happend.
He will think im soft or something..and i.. can't let that happend.

we got bored once again, he asked me a question again.

"are you sure your sister is okay?" he asks

"why do you care?..do you want to date her or something." i say

he seems embarrassed.

"what..-no.. i wanted to ask..after all i saved her didn't i?" he says

"whatever... shes safe, fine. Just killing some humans probably. What do you want to do?" i say-ask

"don't know. Don't ask" he says

"hey...how do you know breathing style?" i ask him

"i trained? and its thunder breathing." he says


"your pretty" he says

"what..?" i ask

"your pretty." he repeats

"uh..no- i am not. I am ugly and disgusting, everybody tells that and i know it by myself." i say-explain to him

"to me. Your pretty to anyone else maybe not..maybe you didn't realize that your pretty? or should i say beautiful..?" he says

i start blushing..

"...your beautiful too.."

he seems surprised by my comment

"oh..well..Thank you." he says

-Who the hell are you!?- KaiGyu story! DO NOT READ THIS PLEASEWhere stories live. Discover now