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Kaigaku's {Pov}

i was sitting on a tree when suddenly i was on a roof? and there was a fight too?
and then....
i saw Zenitsu.'is it really him!?' i think to myself. well whoever it is they're getting killed. i charge at him. he dodge's it and i fell off the roof.

"hghh.."i murmured as i fell of the roof..
'who's that?..' i think to myself when i see a demon who's getting killed? and why was there a kunai in his neck? most importantly why isn't he regenerating!?
"ughhh.." i stand up. the demon with black and green hair seems to notice me which makes his eyes wide.
'i hope i don't regret this' i think to myself.
i run and dodge the obi(?) from the roof i was on. i take out my katana.


i yell as there's black lighting coming out of my katana. The lighting hits the white hair hashira.
he coughs blood. the demon seems suprised.
the poison is going to kick in after like 4 minutes. better not waste the time. hashira is no joke.
hashira charges at me, i dodge him and run to the demon.
i pick him up since his legs are cut off and he isn't regenerating for some reason. i pick him up and take him running, why? the sun is almost out! he will die out here.

"TAKE THE KUNAI OUT!!!" he yells at me
"fine, no need to yell." i say as i take the kunai out.
his legs seems to start regenerating but very slowly.
"don't leave my little sister there!" he yells at me
"ugh.where is she!?" i ask
"on the roof. i think the roof u fell off im not sure i wasn't watching." he answers.
i run as fast as i could to get his little sister. i might be a demon but im not heartless and im not leaving his little sister just to feel good and maybe i will get answers on how i got here.

as he said there was another demon fighting on the roof white hair with green at the end of it and really exposing clothes well as i got there i took the demon by the hand and ran to a dark place where i and the demon's i 'saved' could hide from the sun.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" the white haired demon yelled "BROTHER, WHO IS THIS DEMON!?"

"I don't know, but he doesn't mean any harm." the black haired demon said "right?" he asks me

"i just want answers that's all. and no i mean no harm at least not for you too." i answer him
and finally i find a place that is dark i go in there with the demons following me.

"okay fine, what answers do you need?" the black haired demon asks

"before that tell me your names. it will be easier asking them then."

"im Gyutaro. and thats my little sister Daki or Ume just call her Daki." the black haired demon says.

"now tell us who are you and what answers do you need." Gyutaro says

"Kaigaku." i say "my name is Kaigaku."

"why did you save us.?" Gyutaro ask's

"First of you would have died there. and your sister you told me to save her."

"i know but you know i wouldn't have gotten killed. me and my sister share the same rank, if i could get my head cutted off i wouldn't have died." Gyutaro explain's.


"So what if you wouldn't die, you would sill get killed by the sun." i say

"sun?." Gyutaro asks

"BROTHER WHAT IS THIS DEMON TALKING!?" Daki yells as she starts crying.

"I'm saying that the sun would have been out in 30 minutes or a hour." i explain

"oh." gyutaro say's.

"Kaigaku. you are no ordinary demon are you.?" gyutaro asks

"well. no i am not." i answer him

"are you a lower moon?" he asks me

"no." i answer

"who are you then?" Gyutaro asks

"upper moon 6." i answer


"...what..?..." He ask's me
his sister seem's silent.

he slams me to the wall.
"agh- what are you doing!?" i half-yell

"i need to see your eye's."

"you don't have to slam me on a wall!!" i yell

"whatever...open your other eye." he commands me.

"are you going to cut it!?" i half-yell

"no." he say's
i open my other eye slowly...
his eyes widened.

"no..way.. How!??" He yells which makes my own eyes shot up.

"i don't know..i got here and saw you..." ... "wait..am i in the past..?." i ask myself.

"even if you are you will explain what the hell is going on." Gyutaro says.

-Who the hell are you!?- KaiGyu story! DO NOT READ THIS PLEASEWhere stories live. Discover now