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Im really sorry for not updaing for 3 fucking months, anyways hope you like this chapter!:)

Gyutaro's {Pov}

"yeah yeah sure." i say thinking who could brought kaigaku in this timeline.

"Thank you!" Daki thanks

"are you always that cheerful?" Kaigaku asks

"she's not, she only does that when im around." I answers Kaigaku's question

"No need to tell him everything! Brother remember that he's a fake Upper Moon!" Daki quickly says
"Hey i'm not fake!" Kaigaku says

"Whatever, faker!" Daki half yells

"So brother you said yes right?" Daki asks
"Yes, why?"i ask
"We're going to do it right!?" she looks at me excited. "We have 3 people thats better than only us! We're basically friends with the faker right!?" Daki yells exited
"Hey i said im not fake!" Kaigaku interrupts, yelling.
"No one cares, but we are going to do it!" Daki says
"yeah okay." i say "what do you think Kai?" i ask

"sure i don't care." he answers


"we need a room right?" Daki asks
"uhh yeah." Kai answers her question
"..." Daki stays silent "Come with me i know a place!"
"alright." i answer
and so we follow her to whatever the place is.

the place turned out to be a hotel in the human word, we didn't have money obviously, so Daki just killed some random lady and we took her room, the room was kind of bloody so we had to clean it but other than that it was okay.

"Okay so can we do a sleepover right now!?" Daki asks all excited
"uhh yeah if you have something to sleep with? which you don't" Kaigaku answers
"oh, uhh im gonna bring myself some clothes" she says "be right back"

kaigaku just gets his clothes magically

After a few minutes Daki comes back with two t-shirts and two shorts, for herself and me.

she gives me a black t-shirt and black shorts. i smile and thank her
While Kai has a long dark blue t-shirt and shorts underneath.

and when Daki starts asking Kai what do you do on sleepovers i just know this isn't going to go well.


"Okay, okay!! so we can play some games before sleeping right?!" Daki asks
"mhmm.." Kai answers, Daki nods.
"what kind of games?" She asks
"are you serious!?" Kai half-yells

"Yes, now name them and how to play them." Daki calmly says
"Okay, humans really love to play truth or dare, 7 minutes in heaven, and others."
"mhm, explain." Daki says
"Truth or dare is basically truth or dare, 7 minutes in heaven is the game we can't play im sorry-" Kai explains

"Are you not worried that the hashira will find us, or somehow know about Kai?" I interrupt
"And how exactly would they know that?" Kai asks

"Everything's possible." i answer

"We don't care brother, they haven't found me, have they?" Daki says "If they do find us, its not today." Daki says
"Now faker finish" Daki says

"I don't think i need to, you got the point right?" Kai asks Daki
"I think so" She gives Kai a small smile
"When do sleepovers start?" Daki asks again
"uhh at night?? when do you think they start?" Kai answers
"I don't think im supposed to be born knowing that!" Daki argues
"Yes you are supposed to know that!"Kai argues back
"whatever." Daki says

minutes later..

"Okay! Its night now, we start the sleepover!!" Daki shouts

"Finally, lets get this sleepover thing over with." I say
"Don't make it sound like it's boring! Its going to be the best night of your life!" Daki argues back to me
"yeah sure it will." i say


We sit, so we can see eachother.
"Okay..im going first then!"Daki suddenly yells
"Mhm..so truth or dare?" Kai asks
"Im going to say...uhh...truth!" Daki answers "Okay...i dare you to..hug the first person that comes to your mind!" Kai says after thinking

"sure." she says and hugs him, Kai looks suprised for a second.

we played for a while then talked about random topic's.

"So how are things in the future, other than dying." i ask Kai

"uhh..i guess demon slayers are getting stronger? and that im literally your replacement." Kai answers

"something happy?" i try again

"i don't there's anything happy in future.." Kai answers again

i stay silent

"so do we go to sleep at this hour?" Daki breaks the silence

"pretty much, but we're demons so we don't really need to sleep." Kai answers

"then what do we do" Daki asks confused

"i don't know, play games?" Kai answers

"No it kinda got boring playing games, we can talk thought." Daki suggested

"Sure." i say

we talked for half of the night, i didn't pick a comfortable position, when i finally moved my legs felt like they were broken.

I'm really surprised why i didn't move at all for half of the night..? but well..

"So we can ask Muzan to sent Kai back, maybe he can do that?" i suggest

"yeah, okay that's not a really bad idea,last time we didn't ask." Kai answers


I was kissing fucking Kaigaku the guy i met like 2 days ago.

how? well..

Kaigaku was facing me while walking, then out of nowhere Daki  pushed him which ended up me and him kissing. Daki looked proud of herself.

When we parted away, Kaigaku fucking disappeared right in front of me.

" i dont think we need to go to Muzan anymore." i say, still blushing

Daki just smiles.

-Who the hell are you!?- KaiGyu story! DO NOT READ THIS PLEASEWhere stories live. Discover now