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Kaigaku's {POV}

"You called me Muzan-sama?" Kokushibou asked

"yes." muzan answered "do you perhaps know this demon?" he asks

grabbing by my hair Muzan shows me to Kokushibou. Which makes Kokushibou look shocked(probably because of my eyes)

"Yes i do." Kokushibou says "But i do not remember getting called here because of upper moon 6 death." he says " so why do i see 'upper moon 6' writed in his eyes?" he asks

"That's why i called you here." Muzan said. "So you turned him into a demon?" Muzan asks again

"Yes." Kokushibou answers

"okay." Muzan said now turning to face Kaigaku, because he was facing Kokushibou. "Then how are you here?" he asks me

' i guess i need to tell the story.' i think to myself

"well tell it" Muzan says

"okay.. i was sitting on a tree in my timeline waiting for a demon slayer to show up, then i appeared on a roof and a fight was going with your upper moon 6 and a hashira." i explained the part they needed to hear.

"So your saying your from the future?" Muzan asked me

"yes." i answer

"i believe there is no other explanation on how you have 'upper moon 6' rank." Muzan said " so we have to believe this 'story' your saying."

"should i leave now Muzan-sama?" Kokushibou asks looking at Muzan

"No, not yet." Muzan answers " So demon you can stay, i will not kill you."
"Now go" Muzan says turning to face Kokushibou

and we got teleported away.

I look around myself.

'the same forest.' i think to myself 'i wonder when will i go back to my own timeline?' i ask myself not noticing that i spaced out for quite a while.

"Hey!" Daki says shaking me (but not too hard)
"Oh-" i say quickly "Stop it!" i shout

"Finally! well you didn't die and my brother's really happy" she says "as you can see" she says again

i quickly catch the face of Gyutaro which is red as a tomato.

"Okay, im gonna be staying with my brother for a week or more cause i missed him so you better don't take him away from me!" Daki says

i look at her coldly
'what the fuck is she talking about?..' i think to myself

i walk along with them not knowing where they are going.
(i still go with them.)


After some time we see a small house alone in the forest.
I look at Daki, she seems to be smiling.
'this can't be good' i think to myself.

and like i thought it was no good.
As soon she smiled, she ran up to the house's door and knocked (?)

'i guess she has good manners' as soon i thought the door opened revealing a beautiful lady with black hair and blue dress.
'probably just woke up' i think to myself now looking up to the sky(which was getting lighter)

-well as soon the lady revealed herself Infront Daki she immediately got killed.
Daki entered the house, me and her brother following behind.
The lady in the blue dress seemed to live alone in a midle of a forest. (which is weird if you ask me.)

"Alright! Brother you and me stay today in this house until the day is over." Daki quickly decided
"oh and uh.. Kaigaku um. you can stay." she finishes

"Lil sis when are you gonna go back?" Gyutaro suddenly asks

"Huh? brother why the sudden question?? but as i said after a week or so." Daki says

Gyutaro turns to look at Daki's face
"You shouldn't waste your time on me." He says

"Your saying nonsense, brother. Also i don't mind wasting my time on you." Daki says "Now take a break." She says smiling after.

after a few minutes...

"Okay, this feels like a sleepover don't you think brother?" Daki says

"Yeah, just don't call it that" Gyutaro answers

"Hey Kaigaku!" Daki looks at me

"Yeah? what do you want?" i answer her with a question

"No need to be mean dumbass." Daki says "Oh right! Have you ever had a sleepover?" Daki asks me

"Well uhh yes." i answer

"How is it?!" She asks excited

"Have you never had one?" i ask her back

"Well..no i don't remember, probably not i would have remembered" she answers

"You were asking how is it? well you hang out with your friends play some games maybe and go to sleep after." I explain to Daki

"That sounds so fun! Hey brother! lets have one together!" She says looking at her brother

"Yeah yeah sure." He says

-Who the hell are you!?- KaiGyu story! DO NOT READ THIS PLEASEWhere stories live. Discover now