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Kaigaku {Pov}

i woke up feeling something warm behind my head ?

i open my eyes, trying to get up, when i get up i realize i was sleeping on Gyutaro.

"Why didn't you wake me up!?"

"oh, you looked comfortable sleeping so i didn't wake you." Gyutaro says

"I said to wake me up if i fell asleep on you!" I say / yell

"whateverrr.." he says

i just get up from Gyutaro

"Is your sister back?" i ask, him

"huh..?..oh no no not yet. Why do you care about her so much?" he asks

"i already gave you an answer." i answer him
"Well what are we gonna do now?" i add.

i stay silent.
"No idea." i answer after some time

"well there's gotta be one!" Gyutaro half yells.

"Can i call you Gyu?" i ask, later on realizing what i said which turns my face red.

"wha- well yes." he says blushing slightly "Can i call you Kai?"

i blush

"That sounds like we're boyfriends! No!" i answer

"Hey i let you call me Gyu!" he yells

"whatever i don't care!" i answer

"im still gonna call you Kai" he says
"i hate you." i say

after some hours his sister showed up.

"Brother!! i am back!" she says giving a little smile

"uh.. why did you come here? aren't you supposed to be pretending being oiran?" i ask

"i needed to thank that idiot" she says pointing at Kaigaku

"huh.? Hey! im not an idiot! your the one whos an idiot! you ugly bitch" he yells

"Don't you dare call me ugly! you bastard!" she yells "im not gonna thank you anymore!" she adds yelling

"Not like i needed you thanking!" i reply to her

"Oh you selfish little bastard!" she half-yells

as i was about to shout back something about her clothes, Gyutaro interrupted.

"Hey now stop, stop insulting my little sister." he says

"stop saying like i started it." i argue back

"well i did start it but-" she was saying until Gyutaro interrupted "yeah we are done what else did you need?" he asks his sister

"oh! well i don't know spend some time with you?" she says

"wait no no i dont want to ruin your plans with getting more powerful." he says

"you aren't ruining anything!" she half yells

"oh then well you could spend time with me but uh.. well Kaigaku is with me." Gyutaro says

"His name is Kaigaku?" she asks "and just leave him. " she adds

"no, uh well.. im not leaving him." gyutaro says

"what the hell has he done to you?!" she yells "You would never do something like this!"

"this may sound really weird but he's from the future." Gyutaro explain's

'this is weird' i think to myself watching the siblings talking

"that would explain the eyes , but that isn't possible so no way im believing this." she says "Lets take him to Muzan-sama if he regonizes this 'upper moon 6' that means he is lying and if not.. well i dont know." she explains her plan

"NO!! We can't do that! Muzan will kill him!" Gyutaro yells.

"Thats his problem!" she says walking to me.
which she fails because of her brother. "hey Gyutaro its okay maybe dying can get me out of past." i say smiling

"You can't be serious! How come you are cool with this." he says

"Brother. He made his mind." gyutaro's sister says

"oh and what your name?" i ask

"Daki." she says with a cold voice


after we get to the infinity fortress some of uppermoon's were there (not that we knew.)

since walking here would be infinite we called muzan which was easy for him to hear, we are in the infinity fortress after all.

after some time waiting we heard a voice and there he was standing in his male form.

"Ah!- Muzan-sama!" Daki quikly kneels which i do the same as well as Gyutaro "Me and my brother found this demon." she says

Muzan look's at me. I quickly feel weak and scared.

"So? Its a demon so what?" he says

"My lord! in his eyes are 'upper moon 6' written." Daki quickly replies

"What?." dead silence "Answer me!" he yells

"take a look at him yourself, lord!" Daki said

'Wow shes brave.' i think to myself

i get pulled by the tentacle
now im next to Muzan's fancy shoes.

He stands me up by force and look's at my eyes.

"Would you like to explain?" he ask

'how do i explain this!? he won't believe anything i say!' i think to myself

"i won't believe what?" Muzan asks

"well, i am from the future." i say blushing hardly from how stupid that sounded.

"Are you an idiot or what?" he asks me

'i knew muzan wouldn't believe this kind of shit. Even tho im not lying i don't know what to do what to do what-' i think to myself getting interrupted by Muzan

"oh so your not lying? your trying to fool me in your own mind?" muzan says

"No." i say
'i've gotta say something. wait- isn't upper moon 1 who made me a demon? yes!-' i think to myself forgetting that Muzan can read minds

"You want upper moon 1 here huh?" he says

"Yes.." i answer quietly

"Fine. Im going to call him, you betternot be lying that he made you a demon." he says 

-Who the hell are you!?- KaiGyu story! DO NOT READ THIS PLEASEWhere stories live. Discover now