The letter- part 3

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I open the door to the house and turned on the light. Black star and tsubaki was sitting in the couch looking at me. " how did you get in?" I asked. Black star jumped up and shouted, " I broke through someone's window, I don't know who's though." He giggled. Tsubaki got up and looked around for which room it was in. She stops are maka's room and she came back. " black star, that was makas room. " she sniffled. Black star stared at tsubaki and he turned to me. " tell me what happened " he said with a serious look. I haven't seen that look from the moon fight in a while. I told both of them everything I knew and they widened there eyes. "Poor maka." Tsbuaki tearing up. I will save maka.

Black star point of view:

Tsbuaki is tearing up and I hand her a tissue. Maka would comfort her A lot but since she disappeared, no one could comfort her as well as maka. "This is the first time I feel bad for maka" I look at the books. When looking at the shelf , I spot one book. The title wrote," album". I get up and grab the album. "Maybe makas mom or dad left something in here" I said curious. I can see everyone's eyes on me and I open it. A note was under a picture of makas mother and her family. I grab the note and read it, it said:

Dear maka,

One day your going to be as powerful as me and your father are. I know someone or something will happen to you but just follow what your mind wants. I know your friends are reading this , am I right blackstar, soul, and tsbuaki? As I said for maka, follow your mind and heart. I know all of you are powerful. Maka is probably read this confused reading this at the age of two. I know all of you can do this.

- Mrs. Madrigal

Everyone freezes. " how did she know that we read it?" Black star looks around. Tsbuaki has her mouth covered by her hand due to the fact makas mother knew our names when maka was two years old. " she is wise but I don't understand how her mom knew" I scratch my head. Now we know what to do. " let's get kid, patty, and Liz now." I smirk. Maka we will save you, promise.

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