A worried soul - part 4

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It's been two weeks already and I am about to go by my own. I go to makas room and spot her shelfs full of books. I grab a book and went to my room. I open the book and see a photo of maka, blackstar, kid, tsbuaki, patty, Liz, and me at the beach. I wipe the tear that fell down fast. I got up and called Miss madrigal. " hello Ms. madrigal answering." A lady said with a worried tone. " It's me , soul " I say as she sighed into the phone. She yawned and started speaking into the phone. " do you need anything?" She asked confidently. I grip my fest and started yelling. " no one is looking for maka, it's been two weeks and no one has moved anywhere. I'm worried sick and I don't know if I love her! ". Shit. Who would confess love to your misters mom. " everyone is making a plan, I am helping with the plan. " she said in a serious tone. She cleared her throat. " I am worried sick for my daughter too, we are going to leave in 2 days so we can test things out.".
She said goodbye and hung up. And I screwed up didn't I, saying my love to the mother?!?

I dialed black star's home waiting for an answer. " hello? " tsbuaki answered. I wipe my dry eyes and continue. "Can you and blackstar come over also invite kid and the others please." I said serious. Since they are still testing we can make a plan on our own.

Everyone arrives and sat on the couch. " we need a plan for saving maka, I have a bad feeling that something bad is happening. " I closed my eyes to not start tearing up. We have gave everyone each roles and many plans just in case. "We should wait and see the model of the building so we know where maka is, or we will be caught." Kid eyed blackstar as he gets to excited. "We should sneak into steins lab! I know where to go since I broke in there to cheat on the exams!" Blackstar proudly said as everyone gave him a look but agreed anyway.

We open the window and jump inside. Then we crawled on the ground for safety. We peaked our head inside the lab and no one was there. " phew" blackstar sighed in relief. We looked around and Liz and patty hand me something. The map to the building was right there. "Oh my god, was steins hiding it from everyone?" Liz widened her eyes. The door opened and stein was standing there. "My, my. What do we have here?" He smiled.

Note: sorry for the short chapter!!!

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