Success - Part 6

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This is how the team went:

Team A ( gets to fight the lady hopefully not)

1. Miss madrigal / Elisabeth madrigal

2. Dr. Franken Stein ( taken off due to injury)

3. Death the Kid

4. Soul Evens

5. Spirit albarn ( Miss madrigal won't be happy)

6. Marie mjolnir

7. Black-star

Team B (secret )


We arrive to the location and everyone is literally pissed. I am really really pissed due to the fact they took some of my friends and MY mister.  We open the door and many stairs are lead up. "Get ready to walk everyone. " Miss madrigal sighed. Spirit kept trying to have a conversation with Elizabeth but she didn't talk to him. We arrive to the top and everyone is ready to  fight. " want me to transform Elizabeth" spirt asked hopefully. Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "I have my own personal weapon". She hold her hand out and a staff came out of nowhere. Everyone signaled to go in, at a countdown of 3,2,1.

We opened the door and it was messy but big. We see a familiar hair, tsubaki. " tsubaki, what happened?" Black star hold tsubaki as she struggled to move. She looked at everyone and closed her eyes. " she put us under this spell and used us for energy.." she grunted as she tried move. Liz and patty were next to her and struggled alot. "Liz and patty! Are you hurt?" Kid gasped as seeing blood. Patty answered but Liz had no energy. "She used us to be servants for her works..and potions.." patty cried. Kid and blackstar handed both to spirt because he has no one to transform with. I ran around to see where maka is and I see her lying on the ground as pale as a ghost. " Maka! Wake up!" I cried. Maka's eyes open and widened her eyes. " soul is that you?..." she gasped as she was saved by  being drowning. I hugged her as tight as I can but I knew she was badly injured. As soon as I pull away from the hug, I saw blood on my shirt. "Maka where are you bleeding?" I whispered. She pointed to her leg and shoulders. I grabbed her and ran to the others. " Maka, are you hurt?" Elizabeth widened her eyes. Maka hugged her mother and fell asleep due to the fact her energy was gone. Spirt covered his mouth and hugged her. The lady was no where to be found.

My Meister and only mine [ soul x maka ]Where stories live. Discover now