14 | basorexia

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(the overwhelming desire
to kiss.)

23th December, 2021

SEO WOO wasn't really sure about how he was going to manage to talk to all the residents of Pyeonghwa. Mr. Kim surely was satisfied with the fact that he had entrusted the job of delivering the Christmas cakes to a youngster like him.

He seemed to be the least bothered about his background and rumours. Seo Woo couldn't marvel at the fact that the man stood tall with a strong and straight spine at his age.

Pyeonghwa, had a very unique feature. Mr. Kim, a retired military man treated every resident with a box of cake before Christmas. He had a sudden leg fracture a week before and was completely on bed rest. Even though he was over sixty, he was much more fit than another man of his age. He was always the one who would drive and distribute the packets of delicacies to the people. He seemed so enthusiastic about this that one would totally mistake him for a member of a random charity organization.

Seo Woo found the deal of delivering the cakes, for a fifty thousand won per day very appealing. Mr. Kim, was indeed a rich man. He had successfully managed to operate a chain of restuarants at various locations of Korea. He had entrusted everything to his successors and was having the time of his life at the countryside. His celebration of Christmas was indeed different. That's how rich people probably laundered their money.

Most said that it wasn't that Mr. Kim was a really generous person. He was just trying to improve his public image and draw the attention to his restaurant. Seo Woo begger to differ. To him, he was a good human being who wanted nothing but to share his joys with others.

Even though Seo Woo was the only one he needed to feed at Pyeonghwa, it was difficult to make ends meet almost every month.

Mr. Kim asking him to help was quite the surprise for him. He believed that no one in the neighborhood liked him. He was aware of the rumours that circulated about him and it did bother him. Most of them were true in some sense and could blow his cover completely if one decided to dig into it.

When he told Mr. Kim about how the residents would react to him delivering the goods, he laughed a lot. The man believed in him and was unbothered about the rumours. After a long time, Seo Woo felt nice about having someone's trust but at the same time, he felt bad too. He would be saddened to learn the truth. It was as if he was deceiving him.

The two German Shepherds, were not quite ecstatic when Seo Woo, upon his request visited his house to collect the boxes of cake. They snarled at him from far and barked like he was stealing everything from the house. To his joy, he even got the permission to drive his car. Atleast, he wasn't going to freeze to death while delivering boxes.

It was his second day of going out to deliver the boxes. His business as a mechanic was not going really well. He was a bit down about that but he was sure it would pick up pace again. The majority of residents in Pyeonghwa were still not used to modern technologies and it's benefits.

It was raining cats and dogs outside, quite unusual for winter. He had noticed that it rained these days regardless of the season. He was sure that one day, Korea would turn into a strictly monsoon oriented country.

He pushed the break of the car, lost in his thoughts. It was Si Woo's house he was to visit next. Pulling out his black umbrella, he took a box of cake in his hands and walked towards the vibrant blue house.

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