Chapter 2: Starlene

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Season 1 of Peaky Blinders
Starlene age: 11

It was another day in the Shelby household. Tommy had just caught Finn smoking before heading into a family meeting. Starlene sat finishing up her school work in the living room so she could continue reading the book that she has been enjoying recently.

"Oi, how come you always doing school work? Why don't you actually play with me and the other kids for once?" Finn asked his cousin.

They both were the same age but he never understood why she didn't act like him and everyone else. Starlene never really did anything but school, chores, reading, going to church with his Aunt Polly, painting occasionally, learning how to bake or other hobbies, and that was it.

Starlene finished up her last math problem before directing her attention to the young boy standing infront of her.

"Because Finn, unlike you lot, I want to not get into trouble or become a Peaky Blinder when I grow up. I want to actually have a future where I work to achieve it rather than be part of a bloody gang." She closed her math book and gathered up all her school supplies to neatly put away.

"Besides, mum's with everyone in the family meeting and I have to get her permission to go anywhere. Y'know that." She stood up with all the books in her hands carrying them over to put them in the bag she had sewn up, with the help of Polly, to be able to carry all her belongings easier.

"Just go ask her, Star. Come on, please." Finn whined as he threw himself on the couch.

"And interrupt the meeting? No, not a chance. I rather stick my hand in a boiling pot of water than deal with the wrath of the adults."

"Fine, suit yourself. I'm going to meet up with Isaiah and the group. I'll be back in time for dinner."

With that Finn up and left leaving Starlene alone with her book.

Later on that day Starlene was helping clean up the kitchen with her mother.

"Why don't you go up to bed mum? I can finish up cleaning everything." Starlene offered noticing how tired Polly was. Her mother had taken care of the family when her cousin's mother died and the father left. Then when the older boys went off to war she took over the Shelby business for 5 years. Just when the young girl thought her mother would catch a break, it seemed like she had to hit the ground running again.

Polly stopped washing the dish she was cleaning to look at her daughter. Those innocent, golden-amber eyes looking up at her with the sweet smile on her face, Starlene was all Clementina. Luckily, for Polly, the girl had dark, curly, hair and brown eyes like her, so to anyone who didn't know, she was Starlene's biological mother. Which Starlene also believed to be true.

"Star, I'm fine. There's not much left to do. If anything you should be up in bed since you have school tomorrow."

"Mum, really, it's fine. Like you said there's not much left to do, besides ever since the boys came back and the business has picked up more, I barely get to see you."

She looked away and continued to dry the dish she was holding before putting it up in the cabinet.

Polly sighed, "I know Star. Things have just been hard right now. How about this weekend you and I spend sometime together, maybe go see the pictures if you would like, how's that sound?" She handed her daughter another dish to dry.

"It's okay mum, really. I don't want ya stressing yourself thinner than you already are. Just being in the same room as you, even doing chores, is enough." She gave a soft smile to her mother to reassure her that she wasn't upset.

"I'm sure the boys can handle me taking a day off. Bloody hell knows I deserve it." She laughed slightly.

The two Gray women finished cleaning up everything and headed upstairs. Starlene noticed she had forgotten her book in the living room and ran quietly to grab it when she heard someone else downstairs. The young girl walked down the stairs carefully to see someone at the front door. The stair made a creaking sound startling both Starlene and the mysterious person at the front door causing them to turn around.

"Starlene! Fuckin' hell you gave me freight! What are you doing up so late?" Ada questioned.

"I came down here to get my book. I helped mum in the kitchen then we went up to bed not too long ago. The real question is, where are you going?" She crossed her arms staring down at her cousin from the stairs.

"Out." Ada quickly replied.

"To see Freddie, again?" Starlene dawned a mischievous smirk and raised her left eyebrow.

Ada rolled her eyes, "If you really must know, yeah, to see Freddie again. You gonna rat me out?"

"Have I ever ratted you out in the past?" Ada shook her head. "Then why would I now. Just be careful and get home before everyone wakes up. If you get busted don't bring me down to sink with ya, got it?"

Ada smiled and ran up the stairs to hug her cousin, "Your the best, y'know that Star?"

"I've been told once or twice. Now get before my mum or the boys wake up! I'll lock the door after ya go and unlock your bedroom window so you can climb back in without getting caught."

Ada placed a kiss on Starlene's head before swiftly and silently running out the door.

"Lord, help my poor love sick cousin. And Lord, please make sure I don't end up like that when I'm her age." She prayed quietly to herself as she locked the front door, grabbed her book, and headed to bed.

992 words


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