Chapter 17: The Walk

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Walking down the street with Campbell was the last thing Polly thought she would end up doing today but yet, here she was. If it wasn't for him possibly having information about Starlene she would've just shot him and left him like a stray dog to die alone in the streets, but those plans would have to wait. She was so desperate to get her daughter back that she was willing to do anything, even if it meant being around this creep.

"So, you got me with you, I want answers Campbell. Where's my daughter?"

"Do you ever think about life, Mrs. Gray?" Campbell smoked on his pipe and ignored the question. He walked beside her but was guiding her to wherever he had set as their destination.

"What?" Polly looked confused at the man.

"Life, Mrs. Gray. How we exist and how we all end up in all these different situations. Some we plan out, others were thrown into. Not one of us having the same experience, all different, all unique. Even those who go through the exact same thing experience it differently. It's all amazing isn't it."

The sound of gravel crunched beneath their feet as they walked through murky Birmingham. The silence that fell among the two was awkward to say the least. Polly wondered what the Inspector was up to and Campbell was waiting for an answer.

"Well?" Campbell coughed.

"Well." Polly rolled her eyes.

"What's your views of life, Mrs. Gray?" Campbell gave a smirk.

"Why does it matter my views on life, Mr. Campbell?" The Gray woman was now becoming more frustrated.

Campbell laughed a little, "Because, Elizabeth, may I call you that?"


Campbell shrugged it off, "Well, Mrs. Gray-" He emphasized, "I'm attempting to get to know you better."

It was now the Shelby monarch to laugh, "Get to know me? Get to know me, I think we both know that from doing all the digging into my family that you know more than enough about me." She wanted to stop walking and storm off in a different direction but not before slapping him across the face first, but she couldn't. He wanted something from her and in return he would hopefully give her Starlene's whereabouts.

"I know you from a detective standpoint. I wish to know you, personally, Mrs. Gray. No business, just regular human beings, existing possibly together in some form."

"And what makes you think I would every even entertain the idea of us knowing each other outside of your work?" She couldn't believe she was having this conversation. He wasn't possibly being serious right now.

"Because you kissed me, remember? In the church when I approached you." He spoke calmly.

"Approached me?" Polly snapped.

"Because going back to your views on life Mr. Campbell and how people be in the same situation and experience it differently, I would say when you raided the church looking for the guns my nephews had "stolen" you pushed me up against the prayer candles and cornered me trying to scare me into giving you information."

"Ahh, but you still kissed me." Campbell playfully argued back.

"Don't read too much into it, I simply kissed you to stun you and get you off of me, and by my recalling of this interaction, it worked." Polly smirked when she saw Campbell's jaw tense.

"Don't act like you didn't feel any attraction, Mrs. Gray."

"I can assure you I didn't and I still don't Mr. Campbell. Now, if I answer your question on life, you tell me about where Starlene is, and we peacefully walk away from each other, how about that?" She purposed.

Campbell realized he wasn't going to get Polly to fall into submission but he still had cards to play. Polly would work with him if she wasn't going to be with him. He had information Polly would be eager to get ahold of.

"Fine, Mrs. Gray you win this round, for now."

Polly was still cautious about everything but proudly took her win, "My views on life are we are here for a reason. Life can be a gift, a blessing. Life also can be hell. We are put through humbling moments to keep us grounded but grateful and given rewards of surviving those hard times with some incredible moments that make you happy to have this life. Love is a great hero to all, at the end of the day. The people who you love and you love in return make it all worthwhile. Then, if you do your best to do good and be good in this world you get to live on the other side in peace and wonder."

Campbell was actually impressed with the gangster woman's response, "I certainly wasn't expecting something so profound from a woman like you, Mrs. Gray.

Polly took out a cigarette, put it to her lips, and lit it, "You mean a woman who is involved with a gang."

"Aye. Yes, very much so." Campbell spoke.

They ended up in-front of the police station, "Why are we here?" Polly questioned.

"You want answers on your daughter, correct Mrs. Gray."

Polly nodded, "The information you seek in safely tucked away in my office. Come with me and we will discuss how this will all work."

Campbell started walking inside but Polly stayed put. She didn't trust this man as far as she could throw him and she wanted to stay out in public just incase. Sure, she can handle herself, but safety is in numbers.

"I'm not going into an office alone with you Mr. Campbell." She said in a stern voice.

"You won't be alone. One of my men has the information and overheard Jones's plans. I'm simply there so you don't shoot the messenger." Campbell dawned a shit-eating grin.

"You try to pull anything and I won't hold back from protecting myself." Polly stood her ground.

Campbell chuckled, "I will ignore the fact you just threatened a man of the law so you can get the information you seek. Now do you want to know where your daughter is, or not Mrs. Gray?"

Polly through for a moment before storming pass Campbell into the police station and she waited for him to join her before they both headed to his office.

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