▪Epilogue (Staying and Changing)▪

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     Katsuki Bakugou woke up like usual with a little boy by his side. Kounna smiled up at him as he jumped out of the bed. 

     "Papa," Kounna called. "We have to go to the graveyard today."

     Katsuki frowned at the memory- the day he lost him. Katsuki reluctantly got out of bed to follow his son to get changed.

. o O o . 

     Mina Ashido greeted Kounna with a smile. She was upset- no doubt about it- but she was happy that Katsuki was able to settle down. 

     Mina looked around Katsuki, "Will he be joining us today?"

     Katsuki nodded, "He said he's coming later. He had a meeting he couldn't push back."

     Mina smiled as she took her godson into her arms. Kounna was four, but he knew when to pay his respects. They made their way to his grave, careful to be quiet and quick. When they saw it, the gravestone, it was covered with flowers, notes, and pictures. 

     Mina set Kounna down, and he bowed in front of the grave after Denki and Eijiro moved out of the way. 

     Kounna said, "Thank you for taking care of my Papa."

     Katsuki smiled softly as he placed a reassuring hand on Kounna's head. He kneeled down quietly. 

     Looking at his grave made him bitter, so Katsuki quickly said, "Thank you, Sensei."

     Dried leaves crunched softly from behind them, and the group looked behind them to see a tall figure. 

     He was looking as good as ever, healthy skin and shiny eyes- despite the several burns running down his forearm. He held a small toddler in his gentle hands. 

     Indeed, Izuku Midoriya looked beautiful with his daughter. 

     "Sorry, Kacchan," Izuku apologized with a sheepish grin. "The meeting ended, but Kenko wanted to switch her outfit."

     Kenko, being placed down, rushed up to her Papa. 

     Katsuki picked up his daughter before hurrying to his husband. 

     It was miracle Izuku was alive. In fact, it was a surprise to everyone. He had managed to survive only because of one person. 

     Hisako Midoriya. 

     "I hate you!" Hisako shouted, digging her nails into Izuku's back. "It's suicide! You're insane! Insane!"

     Izuku smiled at her, "Yes! Yes, it is! But at least my friends will survive!"

     Hisako's face turned pale even in the dark. Her grip loosened. Something crossed over her face, something Izuku could only interpret as... guilt?

     She scowled as the bomb was about to go off. 

     "Know that I hate you so much," she said as she released her grip on all her nomus. "I'm not doing this for you."

     Heat erupted on all sides, but it only managed to burn Izuku's arms. The building exploded, turning into nothing but dust and ash. Hisako was gone too.

     Izuku collapsed onto the ground, either from the shock that he was alive or the lack of energy in him. 

     Izuku kissed him, embracing his husband with a passion. Katsuki smiled through the kiss. 

     "What would sensei say if he saw us now?" Denki asked, taking in the sight of the dark gray gravestone. 

     "I'm sure he would complain that it was too early to come visit him," Yamada said from behind them. He looked old, worn. His once bright yellow hair turned thin and gray. But he also smiled, wearing the look of a man who had come to terms with his position. 

     He placed the flowers he carried onto the already-filled gravestone. 

     "He would always go on and on about wanting to adopt you," Yamada said. This story wasn't unfamiliar, but the group- especially Izuku- would warm at the thought. 

     Izuku brought his kids close to him, "And now we're adopting our own."

     Yamada nodded, "He would be so proud of all of you." He said, turning his head towards the group. 

     Mina smiled brightly. "You know," she started. "I think sensei would want us to get some food." 

. o O o . 

     "Daddy!" Kenko shouted as she ran from the kitchen. "Daddy! Papa set the curry on fire!"

     Izuku rushed in with a fire extinguisher in hand, "Where's the fire?! Where's the fire?? How did you manage to set curry on fire?!"

     Katsuki shrugged sheepishly, "I suppose it runs in the family?"

     Kounna laughed horrifically as he willed the fire to set off the fire alarm. 

     "Kounna," Izuku chided, having the voice of someone who had said this multiple times before. "What did Daddy say about using your quirk in the house?"

     Kounna pouted as he used his quirk to finally put the fire out. All that remained was the charred bowl- all the curry had dissipated. 

     Even if Kounna wasn't biologically their son, he had managed to receive a similar quirk to Izuku's father's. The quirk had been inherited from Kounna's past mother and, thankfully, no one in the same family as Enji Todoroki's.

     "But Papa gets to use his quirk all the time in the house!" Kounna shouted as he climbed down the table he was standing on. 

     Izuku's motherly-glare turned on Katsuki. 

     "What?" he demanded- more of a command than a question. 

     Before Katsuki was able to do or say anything, he was sprayed by the foamy substance in fire extinguishers. 

     Izuku's huffed, "You're no better than your kids you're trying to teach!" And although he was chiding his husband, his words were humorous. 

     Katsuki tackled Izuku straight away, covering them both in foam. 

     The parents laughed as their children stood giggling. 

     And as Katsuki brought his children in close, getting them messy as well with Izuku laughing, they all felt perfectly content. 

      And they all knew that everything was going to be fine from then on. 

(A/N: Thank you all for all the reads, votes, and comments in this book! It meant a whole lot to me! I really hope you enjoyed if you stayed this long. I'm sorry that the epilogue took so long to post, and this really is the last chapter! I'm also sorry if the epilogue didn't really fit in the story. I just wanted to show that everyone was alright (especially Izuku). Thank you for everything, readers! If you all can, please check out my others works as well!)

     1030 Words

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