12- Tuesday

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Trent walked through the hallway, his eyes settled on his shoes. He kept walking until he found himself at his locker.

"Oh, hey!" A familiar voice called. Trent sighed and turned his head to the side.

"Hey, Justin..."

"You good man? Is this because you don't have a date for homecoming?" Justin asked.

"Uh, yeah. It's because I don't have a homecoming date." He agreed as he put his books in his locker.

"I have a great idea! Go with Sadie. She doesn't have a date yet and I think she likes you. You should ask her." Trent nodded at his idea. It was actually a pretty good one.

Trent closed his locker. "Sure, I'll ask her." The bell rang and the boys went their separate ways. Trent walked until he saw a particular girl. "Hey, Sadie. Do you have a second?"

"Yeah, what do you need?" She asked.

He signed and asked, "do you wanna go to the homecoming dance with me?"

"Wow, don't sound too excited." She said sarcastically. "Why are you asking me if you don't want to actually take me?"

"I like someone else, but they don't like me back." Trent said. Sadie nodded.

"Justin, right?" His eyes widened. "I'll go with you, pick me up at eight." She turned and walked into class.

Kitty laid on the floor in the theater room. She was helping Sammy draw out clothing designs for the upcoming school play. "Ugh, I can't believe I don't have a date to homecoming. I've been too busy helping Jen and Emma get together that I've been too busy to talk to guys." Sammy looked down.

"Nobody's asked you yet?" She asked, sounding shocked.


"Well... you could go with me..." Sammy said.

"Okay." Kitty said swiftly, not even batting an eye. Sammy perked up.

"Wait, really? You will?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah! You're like, my best friend, why wouldn't I go and hang out at the dance with you?"

"Oh, yeah. That's great, we can go as friends." Kitty noticed the shift in her tone when she said the word 'friends' but before she could ask, Sammy stood up and walked to the costume rack without a word.

Courtney closed her locker, still holding onto Gwen's hand. "So, dress shopping tomorrow?" She asked her.

"Court, you know I hate shopping." Gwen replied.

Courtney sighed and nodded, "Well, what if we go get dresses, then I'll let you drag me around to whatever punk stores you want?"

Gwen rolled her eyes, "Fine. I have to go to class, but I'll give you a ride home today." She gave her a quick kiss and began walking down the hall. Courtney watched her girlfriend walk away with a smile on her face, but said smile quickly faded when someone spoke up from behind her.

"Hey, Princess." She fought the urge to throw up in the middle of the hallway.

Choking back her vomit, she greeted, "Hello, Duncan. What the fuck do you want?"

He fake pouted, "Well that was rude. Anyways, I want to take you to homecoming."

She almost laughed, "No." Courtney turned on her heel and started walking away, but he continued talking.

"Wait! I have a bet going with the football team, they said they'd give me $50 bucks to win homecoming king, and $100 more if it was with you. So, if you go with me, after I win I can take you on a nice little date."

This time she actually laughed, "You want to be my homecoming date, just so you can win a bet? Hell no, Duncan. I have to get to class."

"That's not just it. I know you want me. So, just let me pick you up and take you to the dance."

"Duncan, listen very closely. I have a date to homecoming already. And even if I didn't, you'd be the very last person I would go with. Now, let me go to class before I show your teammates the pictures I took of you crying over a Rom-Com." That was enough to shut him up. Courtney smirked and walked away.

In love with your guys' comments, makes my day seeing notifications from people reading my stuff❤❤ also, comment or dm or reply to one of my updates on what you wanna see in this book and I'll try to make it happen!

Love you all so much!

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