26- Thursday

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(A/N) this one is short, I've had no motivation for weeks and I just started another year of school. Please comment ideas or things you wanna see

Heather was bored. Gwen and Courtney were busy being Gwourtney, Bridgette was busy with her volunteering club, she had nobody else to bother. Cody walked by, holding his tray and talking with Noah as he walked to their usual table.

"Excuse me. Yup, coming through. Move, Harold." Heather took her tray, paid for her food, and walked over to their weird little group.

"Uh hi? Did you need something?" Noah was so aggravating in her opinion.

Cody slapped his arm lightly and smiled up at Heather, "Hi!"

"Ugh nevermind if you're going to be that happy I'm leaving." After a short time of convincing her to sit down, Heather realized how fun the little group actually was. Sure, Owen was disgusting but he was nice. And Izzy definitely needed to be arrested with all the illegal stories she liked to share. And maybe Eva was just a little intimidating. However, they were all kinda nice to her and included her in conversations. It was nice not worrying about drama for once.

Noah groaned as he made his way to the auditorium with the rest of the seniors.

"Hello, students," Principal McLean was standing on the stage, microphone in front of him. "As some of you may know, the annual camp field trip is coming up. Chef is walking around and passing out permission slips. After getting the permission slip signed you'll sign up for three activities." Noah looked over the list of activities given to him. He sighed and marked off robotics, theater, and band. He didn't want to go to the camp, but they gave 12 hours of community service and he got to hang out with his friends all week.

Tyler sighed. He didn't like his science class very much. His teacher, Miss Mary, talks too smart for him and she would talk about how she graduated college at 16 too often. Luckily, he's partnered with Alejandro, who understands what he's doing.

"Amigo, hand me the sulfuric acid." Alejandro stands over the beaker and holds his hand out. Tyler looks at the various chemicals in confusion before handing him the blue one. "It's the clear one."

"Oh, right. Sorry, man." He takes the blue one and exchanges it for one of the clear liquids next to him. Alejandro pours in the required amount before standing back to watch the reaction.

"It isn't working. This is the sulfuric acid, right?" Alejandro looks at him and Tyler shrugs. Alejandro looks back at the beaker just as it starts to smoke. The teacher begins to walk over but it's too late. Alejandro grabs Tyler and ducks just as the solution explodes. Nobody gets injured, but the fire alarm goes off. Miss Mary angrily ushers everyone out of the room and into the designated fire area.

They get to the open field with the kids in the rooms next to them and Tyler defeatedly looks down at his court shoes.

"Tyler, it's fine," he looks up st Alejandro, who has a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Both chemicals were clear, I should have specified."

Tyler shakes his head, "No, man, it was my fault. But it's cool, I'm like Miss Mary's favorite student. I just gotta come after school and carry some boxes out of storage for her and I'll get a C-." He flashes a smile and Alejandro nods.

They're cleared to go in a few minutes later and they all go to sixth period. After school, Tyler spends an hour lifting boxes of test tubes and beakers out of storage down the hall and into the classroom.

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