20- Saturday

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Noah and his small group of friends didn't go to a party, instead they decided to do watch some TV at Cody's house.

While two people were making out in the woods, Izzy turned to Eva, "We should do that."

"Get murdered?" Her girlfriend asked.

"NOOOOOO! Don't go in the basement!" Owen yelled at the girl on the screen as he hid behind his blanket. Cody let out a yelp when she was killed.

Noah looked up from his book, "He's obviously in the closet." The girl slowly walked to the closet and opened it. She peered inside and the killer was right there. "Fucking told you."

Bestie😘😘😘: meet me for pizza, 30 minutes

Heather read Courtney's text and instantly got dressed. She walked the quick five minute walk to the small pizza place on the corner and noticed Courtney and a few other people at a table.

"Uh, hey?" She sat down next to her best friend and girlfriend. She took a second to look at the people around her; Trent was eating a slice of pizza, Justin was busy on his phone, Gwen was calling someone, and Courtney was tapping a pen on her small notepad. "So why did you want me to come here?"

Gwen hung up the phone and sat it on the table, "Okay, Eva said that her and Izzy are keeping them distracted. We have about two hours." Heather just looked at her very confused while Courtney wrote it all down.

"Oh, Heath," Courtney started, "so we decided to take matters into our own hands; we're gonna get Noah and Cody together. First, Eva, Izzy, and Owen are taking them here for pizza. When they get here, however, everyone will be gone except us because Gwen just got promoted and got permission to close early. Pretty much, we set them on a really nice date, play some music, set the lighting right, and boom! Noco is official." Heather took a minute to think it over. It wasn't a terrible plan, but it had some flaws. After about ten minutes of revising the plan, they set it into motion. While Gwen continued her shift, the four of them set up a table in the middle of the room for the boys and got the rest of the things in place.

Gwen closed ten minutes before Team E-Scope and company walked in.

"Nope." Noah said instantly when he saw the candles lit up on the center of the table and heard the soft music playing. He turned around but was met with Eva standing in front of the door.

"Izzy will be very sad if you leave. Just half an hour and you can go," she said. Noah rolled his eyes and reluctantly sat down across from a very confused Cody. Gwen brought out a pizza and the rest of the group hid behind the counter to watch and listen.

The two talked casually about nothing and everything all at once. Before any time had passed half an hour had gone by. Then forty five minutes, then an hour.

"Okay, they aren't really doing anything." Trent whispered.

"Leave it to me," Heather stood up and crept over to the speaker. She turned on a love song and turned up the volume.

"Oh my fucking god." She heard Noah groan. She went back to her spot with the others behind the counter.

She looked over the counter to see Noah mumble something and stand up. She thought it was over until he stuck out his hand to Cody. The two stood in front of each other for a moment before Noah put his arms around the other and they began slow dancing. The small group watched behind the counter until the song ended and the two looked like they were about to kiss. At the last moment, they broke apart and kept talking.

Maybe this isn't the type of thing you force Heather thought as she watched them leave. Maybe they just need time...

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