2. Inkwell and Dragon (OC/sona intro and development)

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Chapter art not to scale. This will change/get updated as I go, both are still in development. Inkwell's the one in my pfp :).
The name Dragon is just a shortened version of every single one of my internet aliases, and just generally my online name. Both are technically sonas, I just made the mistake of letting Ink be sentient otherwise and now she wont shut up XD. 

hey come on, thats mean.

hold up. are you...?

oh my gosh, you are. I'm getting an intro?! Aww, Dragon! I knew you had a soft spot in there! :D

wait that means they can see this, doesn't it...? That's... very weird to think about.

Inkwell (nickname Ink; alias Quill)

Appearance: Female, Animated. Her fill color is gray and her lineart/ink layer is magenta (hex colors below). 

The grey's mostly just there so details get to be visible, heh.

yeah pretty much.

Her motion is incredibly fluid, and she can easily shapeshift. Swirls manifest from thicker lineart, and change when she moves because of this. She turns almost fully magenta when actively shapeshifting because the lines change so often, but there's often still a little bit of gray somewhere in a spark. 

(All of this is very dependent on changing line weights. Which I just kinda realized. ...That would make sense, actually. Dang. 

...We're working on it.)

During normal life, her design eventually settles out to a more casual lilac hoodie & pink baseball cap, and her hair goes to black. Gray streak may go to white.

Info/Background/Personality:  Inkwell was created to be a self-aware insert sona whose main trait was that she was mildly mad about it- before I belatedly realized all of the contradiction in that sentence, and then the inherant reality of the situation wouldn't let me drastically change her without disrespecting literally everything our fictional conflict stood for. Its all a bit strange. Currently she's a sona and an OC, and I'm still working on personality. Unsure if she's an insert anymore. We kinda just awkwardly vibe. 

I listened to a lot of BATIM fan songs while she was being conceptualized. Premise is fascinating, & heavily reminded me of AvA. Her name's actually from one of the lyrics to The Stupendium's Find The Keys- ("Darkness reigns incarnate at the heart of this machine/Just how deep this inkwell goes is remaining to be seen") because it whacked me in the face as a really good OC name when I first listened to it. She's basically a mix of my love of meta writing, AvA, and a little bit of BATIM; and doesn't have a real backstory yet because she's too powerful for one. I'm also working on fixing our relationship bc ~plot twist~ two narrators battling for control is very hard to narrate in writing. And also because I'm getting very attached to her sane side.

Dragon's counting all unseen character development as canon though, which is nice.

Well I have to, or else you would have rioted.

Of... course? Getting redone over & over before even getting introduced is weird as hex, and never acknowledging any of that is even weirder. Especially since we both remember it.

Inkwell's a bit of a multiversal wanderer- she's 'outside the page' so to speak. Neither she nor Dragon have other copies/versions in oneshots or AUs. Ink flits between the stories where she spends her time. Time kind of still applies? Tbh I'm not sure. She runs a bookstore in one of the Stick Cities called The Silver Quill, it's a connecting place between my AUs, and she'll trade time between living in that apartment and on my PC. Silverstrike's canonically her brother, although he left my computer early on. He & Ink have decent contact with each other, and theyre all on friendly terms.

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